What is a Good CSAT Score? All You Need to Know About CSAT in 2024

Learn how to identify a strong CSAT score. Boost your CSAT score and increase your customer satisfaction levels with expert advice from career professionals.

In today’s digital age, the customer holds all the power. Customer feedback can make or break a business.

Businesses must learn to leverage both positive and negative feedback in order to improve their customer experience (CX), increase customer satisfaction levels and retention rates, thus reducing the churn rate if they want to succeed. 

Customer satisfaction metrics especially play a crucial role in tapping into customer sentiment, reducing customer churn, and ensuring that your business attracts and maintains happy customers throughout the entire customer journey!

That’s where CSAT comes in. 

This article will catch you up on what a CSAT score is, how to calculate it, how to improve your score, and help you decide whether CSAT is the right metric for your business. 

Read on to know more!

What is a CSAT Score?

A CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score is a customer satisfaction metric which measures your customers’ satisfaction with your product, service, or related customer experiences through surveys or feedback forms. 

CSAT is one of the straightforwardest way of guaging how your customer feels about their interaction with your product or service, and is obtained by asking a single question at different points in the customer journey:

“How satisfied were you with your experience?”

The answer can be entered on a simple rating scale, usually a three-point, five-point, or ten-point one. This score range will later help you determine the percentage of customers that have had a positive, neutral, or negative experience.

The scale can also be non-numeric in nature, and ask respondents to give a star rating, or to select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

How to Calculate CSAT?

The method to calculate CSAT isn’t set in stone. This means that you can alter the way you measure CSAT in a way that's best suited to your business. To start you off, here are some examples:

If your survey yields numerical scores, you can simply take an average of all the submitted scores. For instance, if your CSAT survey has 60 respondents, and their scores add up to 420, then 

CSAT  = sum of all scores ÷ no. of respondents
= 420 ÷ 60 
= 70

While this average score gives you an idea of the level of customer satisfaction, it does not yield the CSAT score percentage which specifically measures the percentage of satisfied customers. 

To get that value, you must separate the scores of satisfied customers, that is, the positive responses from the total responses.

For instance, if only 30 out of the 60 respondents have given positive feedback, then

CSAT   = (no. of positive responses ÷ no. of respondents) x 100
= (30/60) x 100 
= 50 percent

This formula works best because it can be used with a variety of survey types including numerical scales and non-numerical measures such as the five-star rating scale, or a simple three-point scale that asks customers to choose between a happy, neutral, or unhappy emoticon to describe their negative, neutral or positive experiences.

What's a Good CSAT Score?

Typically, 75 to 85 percent is considered to be a good CSAT score. 

Obtaining a score of 75 percent basically means that three out of every four customers are satisfied with your product or service. To further simplify this, remember that a percentage of over 50 is a positive score since it means that over half of your respondents are satisfied!

However, CSAT scores vary from industry to industry. In order to best understand where your CSAT score falls relative to your competitors and industry standards, you should ideally conduct a thorough study of industry averages and competitor bench. 

The table below lists some average CSAT scores by industry:

Industry: Average CSAT score percentage

  • Online search: 80 in 2023

  • Social Media: 73 in 2023

  • Software and Saas: 78 in 2022

  • E-commerce: 80 in 2023

  • Streaming: 77 in 2023

Have you noticed that most of these figures fall between 75 to 85 percent?

Keep in mind that while a perfect CSAT of 100 percent is desirable, it is not always realistic. You are more likely to get a perfect score with a very small pool of respondents, especially in the beginning, but this will soon even out as more consumer data is gathered. 

Don’t be disheartened, because an accurately calculated CSAT is definitely more beneficial for your company in the long run. That said, we’ve outlined a few best practices that you can follow to ensure that you get a better CSAT score!

How to Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Score?

Improving cutomer satisfaction has been ingrained in marketing and sales professionals in today’s customer-centric world. Obvious pointers like

  • collecting customer feedback, 

  • turning collected feedback into action, and

  • improving your product or service 

are basic practices that any business should follow that will boost customer satisfaction in the long run.

But can you boost your CSAT score? Some tips you may not have considered while administering CSAT surveys include:

  1. Offering Multi-channel Support

    Ensure that the various channels and devices used by customers to make their purchases or interact with customer support are accessible at all times. 

    Offering multi-channel support not only allows your customers to effectively communicate their issues, but also gives you the option of measuring CSAT, increasing the number of potential respondents!

  2. Personalizing Your Survey

    A tailor made survey is more likely to capture the attention of your customer base, thus increasing the chances of them providing a response. Feel free to alter the single question that CSAT surveys use to suit your business’ needs!

    Personalization can be as simple as addressing a specific interaction that the customer engaged in recently, or as subtle as incorporating the colours of their branding into your interface temporarily. 

    Now, with the increasing integration of AI in customer interactions, personalization has become easier to manage and incorporate regardless of how big or small your company is. You can now greet users by their names, and increase your chances of conversion with a simple click!

  3. Collecting Multi-faceted Feedback

    Sending out surveys with targeted questions ensures that you get the most accurate responses from your customers. 

    Additionally, measuring CSAT across multiple criteria regarding your product or service yields more data overall, giving you a better idea of where your CSAT score is not upto the mark. You can then course correct for that specific issue immediately, reducing unhappy customers and increasing customer retention!

  4. Collecting Regular CSAT Feedback

    Administering surveys regularly, but not frequently, will set up a reference for measuring CSAT more effectively. 

    Customer’s are more likely to give accurate responses if they’re familiar with the feedback process, and have past experiences to better guage and compare their current experience with.

    It will also boost your CSAT because a decided interval between surveys will allow you to schedule how you work on the actionable feedback gathered within that time, thus streamlining your internal crossfunctionals to work on a solution faster!

Let us now better understand when exactly to ask for customer satisfaction feedback.

When Can You Send Out Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

Establishing a clear customer lifecycle is key to identifying the best time to collect customer satisfaction scores via surveys. 

Depending on the different touchpoints in the customer lifecycle, the scale of your business, and internal timelines, you can send out CSAT surveys

  • post purchase or during the onboarding process,

  • prior to subscription renewals, and

  • post customer support interactions.

Be sure to take into account the above-mentioned pointers on improving CSAT scores for the best results!

Pros and Cons of Using CSAT

CSAT is far from perfect when it comes to measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. Before you commit to it as your primary metric, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with what CSAT can offer your business, and also the challenges it might pose. 

Let’s start with the pros of using CSAT.

  1. CSAT is intuitive and straightforward

    CSAT is easy to use and adresses important customer touchpoints in a simple and effective way. Customer surveys can be embedded in multiple channels and be made available across devices as well.

    These features make CSAT the most accessible and widely distributed metric across industries, making it easy to advertise and leverage a good score as a marketing tactic!

  2. It is a flexible measure

    Not only does CSAT offer flexibility with regards to how you administer it, but it also allows for a high level of customization in the survey itself. 

    Your rating scale can vary according to the context, and you can choose whether you want a numeric scale or non-numeric one. You can also measure different areas of customer satisfaction, according to your business’ needs, allowing you to get a CSAT score that is specific and relevant to you!

  3. CSAT surveys have a good response rate

    CSAT surveys have fewer questions than other established metrics of customer satisfaction. This ensures that they generate a higher response rate.

    A higher response rate means you have access to a larger data pool, which means that your CSAT score is more likely to be holistically representative of actual customer satisfaction across all business verticals!

Some majors cons of using CSAT are:

  1. Data ambiguity

    Wide-ranging CSAT industry benchmarks across companies make it difficult to discern the actual criteria for this score. 

    This is where the survey’s flexibility with respect to customization works against it, because the metric ends up meaning different things to different administrators. 

    Thus, CSAT can be difficult to use as a ubiquitous measure for customer satisfaction in a way that allows for accurate comparison and benchmarking.

  2. Satisfaction is a subjective measure

    Satisfaction as a termcan mean different things to different people. On a rating scale, respondents may not be able to correctly guage how satisfied they are. 

    Customer expectations are a tricky thing to navigate. A customer who scores your product or service a 3 out of 10 may be just as satisfied as another person who has assigns a score of 6 out of 10 and there is no way for you to prove otherwise!

    This issue can largely be circumvented by making yoyur survey questionnaire as specific and straightforward as possible. Having respondents clarify why they have given a certain score helps greatly in determining how valid their rating actually is.

    However, at the end of the day, customer satisfaction does not ensure customer loyalty, and CSAT survey questions cannot be used as a final growth indicator.

  3. Unreliable feedback

    CSAT is a measure of short term sentiment. It must be administered regularly primarily because its results have a very limited validity. This is because customers will continue to interact with and form changing impressions of your product or service over time.

    Furthermore, customers may avoid or hesitate to give neutral responses or negative feedback, deeming it to be unnecessary or rude, therefore skewing your results. Cultural differences between individualistic and collectivistic countries also impact how respondents approach rating scales, with the former more likely to select extreme responses like ‘extremely dissatisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ than the latter. 

As is apparent, there is substantial evidence to support that CSAT surveys can be a hit or miss. To ensure that you’re doing CSAT right, it is advisable to automate the process, which will do away with the human margin of error in administering them.

1Flow: Get Better Responses with Real-time and Personalized CSAT Surveys

Using 1Flow makes administering CSAT surveys much easier and smoother. With its intuitive AI, you can focus on features that matter to customers and create a survey template that stands out.

Designed with product managers and researchers in mind, 1Flow doesn’t need a developer or

someone with technical expertise to operate it.

You can directly integrate customer feedback surveys in post-interaction communications and time your flows for prompt and actionable insight.

Some salient features of 1Flow that will help you get better response rates with real-time and personalized CSAT surveys are:

  • Insightful Dashboards for User Engagement

1Flow’s pre-built reporting and analytical dashboard lets you monitor user behavior and

campaign performance effectively.

You can customize your surveys, time your flows according to your convenience, and trigger interactions post a customer event for maximum user engagement. Designing attractive and intutive surveys ensures that you get a higher response rate.

  • No-code Hassle-free Interface

1Flow’s easy operability ensures that you can incorporate perfectly seamless surveys into your


By presenting flows and interactions at the right time you also significantly increase the likelihood of honest customer insights and valuable feedback.

  • High response Rate

Lastly, 1Flow surveys boast a higher-than-average response rate of 38 percent.

This tried and tested service can greatly help you align with user goals and accelerate your research timeline by collecting more quantitative and qualitative feedback over a short period.

To know more about how this powerful tool can help boost your CSAT survey response rates, get started by signing up for 1Flow today!

In today’s digital age, the customer holds all the power. Customer feedback can make or break a business.

Businesses must learn to leverage both positive and negative feedback in order to improve their customer experience (CX), increase customer satisfaction levels and retention rates, thus reducing the churn rate if they want to succeed. 

Customer satisfaction metrics especially play a crucial role in tapping into customer sentiment, reducing customer churn, and ensuring that your business attracts and maintains happy customers throughout the entire customer journey!

That’s where CSAT comes in. 

This article will catch you up on what a CSAT score is, how to calculate it, how to improve your score, and help you decide whether CSAT is the right metric for your business. 

Read on to know more!

What is a CSAT Score?

A CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score is a customer satisfaction metric which measures your customers’ satisfaction with your product, service, or related customer experiences through surveys or feedback forms. 

CSAT is one of the straightforwardest way of guaging how your customer feels about their interaction with your product or service, and is obtained by asking a single question at different points in the customer journey:

“How satisfied were you with your experience?”

The answer can be entered on a simple rating scale, usually a three-point, five-point, or ten-point one. This score range will later help you determine the percentage of customers that have had a positive, neutral, or negative experience.

The scale can also be non-numeric in nature, and ask respondents to give a star rating, or to select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

How to Calculate CSAT?

The method to calculate CSAT isn’t set in stone. This means that you can alter the way you measure CSAT in a way that's best suited to your business. To start you off, here are some examples:

If your survey yields numerical scores, you can simply take an average of all the submitted scores. For instance, if your CSAT survey has 60 respondents, and their scores add up to 420, then 

CSAT  = sum of all scores ÷ no. of respondents
= 420 ÷ 60 
= 70

While this average score gives you an idea of the level of customer satisfaction, it does not yield the CSAT score percentage which specifically measures the percentage of satisfied customers. 

To get that value, you must separate the scores of satisfied customers, that is, the positive responses from the total responses.

For instance, if only 30 out of the 60 respondents have given positive feedback, then

CSAT   = (no. of positive responses ÷ no. of respondents) x 100
= (30/60) x 100 
= 50 percent

This formula works best because it can be used with a variety of survey types including numerical scales and non-numerical measures such as the five-star rating scale, or a simple three-point scale that asks customers to choose between a happy, neutral, or unhappy emoticon to describe their negative, neutral or positive experiences.

What's a Good CSAT Score?

Typically, 75 to 85 percent is considered to be a good CSAT score. 

Obtaining a score of 75 percent basically means that three out of every four customers are satisfied with your product or service. To further simplify this, remember that a percentage of over 50 is a positive score since it means that over half of your respondents are satisfied!

However, CSAT scores vary from industry to industry. In order to best understand where your CSAT score falls relative to your competitors and industry standards, you should ideally conduct a thorough study of industry averages and competitor bench. 

The table below lists some average CSAT scores by industry:

Industry: Average CSAT score percentage

  • Online search: 80 in 2023

  • Social Media: 73 in 2023

  • Software and Saas: 78 in 2022

  • E-commerce: 80 in 2023

  • Streaming: 77 in 2023

Have you noticed that most of these figures fall between 75 to 85 percent?

Keep in mind that while a perfect CSAT of 100 percent is desirable, it is not always realistic. You are more likely to get a perfect score with a very small pool of respondents, especially in the beginning, but this will soon even out as more consumer data is gathered. 

Don’t be disheartened, because an accurately calculated CSAT is definitely more beneficial for your company in the long run. That said, we’ve outlined a few best practices that you can follow to ensure that you get a better CSAT score!

How to Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Score?

Improving cutomer satisfaction has been ingrained in marketing and sales professionals in today’s customer-centric world. Obvious pointers like

  • collecting customer feedback, 

  • turning collected feedback into action, and

  • improving your product or service 

are basic practices that any business should follow that will boost customer satisfaction in the long run.

But can you boost your CSAT score? Some tips you may not have considered while administering CSAT surveys include:

  1. Offering Multi-channel Support

    Ensure that the various channels and devices used by customers to make their purchases or interact with customer support are accessible at all times. 

    Offering multi-channel support not only allows your customers to effectively communicate their issues, but also gives you the option of measuring CSAT, increasing the number of potential respondents!

  2. Personalizing Your Survey

    A tailor made survey is more likely to capture the attention of your customer base, thus increasing the chances of them providing a response. Feel free to alter the single question that CSAT surveys use to suit your business’ needs!

    Personalization can be as simple as addressing a specific interaction that the customer engaged in recently, or as subtle as incorporating the colours of their branding into your interface temporarily. 

    Now, with the increasing integration of AI in customer interactions, personalization has become easier to manage and incorporate regardless of how big or small your company is. You can now greet users by their names, and increase your chances of conversion with a simple click!

  3. Collecting Multi-faceted Feedback

    Sending out surveys with targeted questions ensures that you get the most accurate responses from your customers. 

    Additionally, measuring CSAT across multiple criteria regarding your product or service yields more data overall, giving you a better idea of where your CSAT score is not upto the mark. You can then course correct for that specific issue immediately, reducing unhappy customers and increasing customer retention!

  4. Collecting Regular CSAT Feedback

    Administering surveys regularly, but not frequently, will set up a reference for measuring CSAT more effectively. 

    Customer’s are more likely to give accurate responses if they’re familiar with the feedback process, and have past experiences to better guage and compare their current experience with.

    It will also boost your CSAT because a decided interval between surveys will allow you to schedule how you work on the actionable feedback gathered within that time, thus streamlining your internal crossfunctionals to work on a solution faster!

Let us now better understand when exactly to ask for customer satisfaction feedback.

When Can You Send Out Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

Establishing a clear customer lifecycle is key to identifying the best time to collect customer satisfaction scores via surveys. 

Depending on the different touchpoints in the customer lifecycle, the scale of your business, and internal timelines, you can send out CSAT surveys

  • post purchase or during the onboarding process,

  • prior to subscription renewals, and

  • post customer support interactions.

Be sure to take into account the above-mentioned pointers on improving CSAT scores for the best results!

Pros and Cons of Using CSAT

CSAT is far from perfect when it comes to measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. Before you commit to it as your primary metric, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with what CSAT can offer your business, and also the challenges it might pose. 

Let’s start with the pros of using CSAT.

  1. CSAT is intuitive and straightforward

    CSAT is easy to use and adresses important customer touchpoints in a simple and effective way. Customer surveys can be embedded in multiple channels and be made available across devices as well.

    These features make CSAT the most accessible and widely distributed metric across industries, making it easy to advertise and leverage a good score as a marketing tactic!

  2. It is a flexible measure

    Not only does CSAT offer flexibility with regards to how you administer it, but it also allows for a high level of customization in the survey itself. 

    Your rating scale can vary according to the context, and you can choose whether you want a numeric scale or non-numeric one. You can also measure different areas of customer satisfaction, according to your business’ needs, allowing you to get a CSAT score that is specific and relevant to you!

  3. CSAT surveys have a good response rate

    CSAT surveys have fewer questions than other established metrics of customer satisfaction. This ensures that they generate a higher response rate.

    A higher response rate means you have access to a larger data pool, which means that your CSAT score is more likely to be holistically representative of actual customer satisfaction across all business verticals!

Some majors cons of using CSAT are:

  1. Data ambiguity

    Wide-ranging CSAT industry benchmarks across companies make it difficult to discern the actual criteria for this score. 

    This is where the survey’s flexibility with respect to customization works against it, because the metric ends up meaning different things to different administrators. 

    Thus, CSAT can be difficult to use as a ubiquitous measure for customer satisfaction in a way that allows for accurate comparison and benchmarking.

  2. Satisfaction is a subjective measure

    Satisfaction as a termcan mean different things to different people. On a rating scale, respondents may not be able to correctly guage how satisfied they are. 

    Customer expectations are a tricky thing to navigate. A customer who scores your product or service a 3 out of 10 may be just as satisfied as another person who has assigns a score of 6 out of 10 and there is no way for you to prove otherwise!

    This issue can largely be circumvented by making yoyur survey questionnaire as specific and straightforward as possible. Having respondents clarify why they have given a certain score helps greatly in determining how valid their rating actually is.

    However, at the end of the day, customer satisfaction does not ensure customer loyalty, and CSAT survey questions cannot be used as a final growth indicator.

  3. Unreliable feedback

    CSAT is a measure of short term sentiment. It must be administered regularly primarily because its results have a very limited validity. This is because customers will continue to interact with and form changing impressions of your product or service over time.

    Furthermore, customers may avoid or hesitate to give neutral responses or negative feedback, deeming it to be unnecessary or rude, therefore skewing your results. Cultural differences between individualistic and collectivistic countries also impact how respondents approach rating scales, with the former more likely to select extreme responses like ‘extremely dissatisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ than the latter. 

As is apparent, there is substantial evidence to support that CSAT surveys can be a hit or miss. To ensure that you’re doing CSAT right, it is advisable to automate the process, which will do away with the human margin of error in administering them.

1Flow: Get Better Responses with Real-time and Personalized CSAT Surveys

Using 1Flow makes administering CSAT surveys much easier and smoother. With its intuitive AI, you can focus on features that matter to customers and create a survey template that stands out.

Designed with product managers and researchers in mind, 1Flow doesn’t need a developer or

someone with technical expertise to operate it.

You can directly integrate customer feedback surveys in post-interaction communications and time your flows for prompt and actionable insight.

Some salient features of 1Flow that will help you get better response rates with real-time and personalized CSAT surveys are:

  • Insightful Dashboards for User Engagement

1Flow’s pre-built reporting and analytical dashboard lets you monitor user behavior and

campaign performance effectively.

You can customize your surveys, time your flows according to your convenience, and trigger interactions post a customer event for maximum user engagement. Designing attractive and intutive surveys ensures that you get a higher response rate.

  • No-code Hassle-free Interface

1Flow’s easy operability ensures that you can incorporate perfectly seamless surveys into your


By presenting flows and interactions at the right time you also significantly increase the likelihood of honest customer insights and valuable feedback.

  • High response Rate

Lastly, 1Flow surveys boast a higher-than-average response rate of 38 percent.

This tried and tested service can greatly help you align with user goals and accelerate your research timeline by collecting more quantitative and qualitative feedback over a short period.

To know more about how this powerful tool can help boost your CSAT survey response rates, get started by signing up for 1Flow today!

In today’s digital age, the customer holds all the power. Customer feedback can make or break a business.

Businesses must learn to leverage both positive and negative feedback in order to improve their customer experience (CX), increase customer satisfaction levels and retention rates, thus reducing the churn rate if they want to succeed. 

Customer satisfaction metrics especially play a crucial role in tapping into customer sentiment, reducing customer churn, and ensuring that your business attracts and maintains happy customers throughout the entire customer journey!

That’s where CSAT comes in. 

This article will catch you up on what a CSAT score is, how to calculate it, how to improve your score, and help you decide whether CSAT is the right metric for your business. 

Read on to know more!

What is a CSAT Score?

A CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score is a customer satisfaction metric which measures your customers’ satisfaction with your product, service, or related customer experiences through surveys or feedback forms. 

CSAT is one of the straightforwardest way of guaging how your customer feels about their interaction with your product or service, and is obtained by asking a single question at different points in the customer journey:

“How satisfied were you with your experience?”

The answer can be entered on a simple rating scale, usually a three-point, five-point, or ten-point one. This score range will later help you determine the percentage of customers that have had a positive, neutral, or negative experience.

The scale can also be non-numeric in nature, and ask respondents to give a star rating, or to select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

How to Calculate CSAT?

The method to calculate CSAT isn’t set in stone. This means that you can alter the way you measure CSAT in a way that's best suited to your business. To start you off, here are some examples:

If your survey yields numerical scores, you can simply take an average of all the submitted scores. For instance, if your CSAT survey has 60 respondents, and their scores add up to 420, then 

CSAT  = sum of all scores ÷ no. of respondents
= 420 ÷ 60 
= 70

While this average score gives you an idea of the level of customer satisfaction, it does not yield the CSAT score percentage which specifically measures the percentage of satisfied customers. 

To get that value, you must separate the scores of satisfied customers, that is, the positive responses from the total responses.

For instance, if only 30 out of the 60 respondents have given positive feedback, then

CSAT   = (no. of positive responses ÷ no. of respondents) x 100
= (30/60) x 100 
= 50 percent

This formula works best because it can be used with a variety of survey types including numerical scales and non-numerical measures such as the five-star rating scale, or a simple three-point scale that asks customers to choose between a happy, neutral, or unhappy emoticon to describe their negative, neutral or positive experiences.

What's a Good CSAT Score?

Typically, 75 to 85 percent is considered to be a good CSAT score. 

Obtaining a score of 75 percent basically means that three out of every four customers are satisfied with your product or service. To further simplify this, remember that a percentage of over 50 is a positive score since it means that over half of your respondents are satisfied!

However, CSAT scores vary from industry to industry. In order to best understand where your CSAT score falls relative to your competitors and industry standards, you should ideally conduct a thorough study of industry averages and competitor bench. 

The table below lists some average CSAT scores by industry:

Industry: Average CSAT score percentage

  • Online search: 80 in 2023

  • Social Media: 73 in 2023

  • Software and Saas: 78 in 2022

  • E-commerce: 80 in 2023

  • Streaming: 77 in 2023

Have you noticed that most of these figures fall between 75 to 85 percent?

Keep in mind that while a perfect CSAT of 100 percent is desirable, it is not always realistic. You are more likely to get a perfect score with a very small pool of respondents, especially in the beginning, but this will soon even out as more consumer data is gathered. 

Don’t be disheartened, because an accurately calculated CSAT is definitely more beneficial for your company in the long run. That said, we’ve outlined a few best practices that you can follow to ensure that you get a better CSAT score!

How to Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Score?

Improving cutomer satisfaction has been ingrained in marketing and sales professionals in today’s customer-centric world. Obvious pointers like

  • collecting customer feedback, 

  • turning collected feedback into action, and

  • improving your product or service 

are basic practices that any business should follow that will boost customer satisfaction in the long run.

But can you boost your CSAT score? Some tips you may not have considered while administering CSAT surveys include:

  1. Offering Multi-channel Support

    Ensure that the various channels and devices used by customers to make their purchases or interact with customer support are accessible at all times. 

    Offering multi-channel support not only allows your customers to effectively communicate their issues, but also gives you the option of measuring CSAT, increasing the number of potential respondents!

  2. Personalizing Your Survey

    A tailor made survey is more likely to capture the attention of your customer base, thus increasing the chances of them providing a response. Feel free to alter the single question that CSAT surveys use to suit your business’ needs!

    Personalization can be as simple as addressing a specific interaction that the customer engaged in recently, or as subtle as incorporating the colours of their branding into your interface temporarily. 

    Now, with the increasing integration of AI in customer interactions, personalization has become easier to manage and incorporate regardless of how big or small your company is. You can now greet users by their names, and increase your chances of conversion with a simple click!

  3. Collecting Multi-faceted Feedback

    Sending out surveys with targeted questions ensures that you get the most accurate responses from your customers. 

    Additionally, measuring CSAT across multiple criteria regarding your product or service yields more data overall, giving you a better idea of where your CSAT score is not upto the mark. You can then course correct for that specific issue immediately, reducing unhappy customers and increasing customer retention!

  4. Collecting Regular CSAT Feedback

    Administering surveys regularly, but not frequently, will set up a reference for measuring CSAT more effectively. 

    Customer’s are more likely to give accurate responses if they’re familiar with the feedback process, and have past experiences to better guage and compare their current experience with.

    It will also boost your CSAT because a decided interval between surveys will allow you to schedule how you work on the actionable feedback gathered within that time, thus streamlining your internal crossfunctionals to work on a solution faster!

Let us now better understand when exactly to ask for customer satisfaction feedback.

When Can You Send Out Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

Establishing a clear customer lifecycle is key to identifying the best time to collect customer satisfaction scores via surveys. 

Depending on the different touchpoints in the customer lifecycle, the scale of your business, and internal timelines, you can send out CSAT surveys

  • post purchase or during the onboarding process,

  • prior to subscription renewals, and

  • post customer support interactions.

Be sure to take into account the above-mentioned pointers on improving CSAT scores for the best results!

Pros and Cons of Using CSAT

CSAT is far from perfect when it comes to measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. Before you commit to it as your primary metric, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with what CSAT can offer your business, and also the challenges it might pose. 

Let’s start with the pros of using CSAT.

  1. CSAT is intuitive and straightforward

    CSAT is easy to use and adresses important customer touchpoints in a simple and effective way. Customer surveys can be embedded in multiple channels and be made available across devices as well.

    These features make CSAT the most accessible and widely distributed metric across industries, making it easy to advertise and leverage a good score as a marketing tactic!

  2. It is a flexible measure

    Not only does CSAT offer flexibility with regards to how you administer it, but it also allows for a high level of customization in the survey itself. 

    Your rating scale can vary according to the context, and you can choose whether you want a numeric scale or non-numeric one. You can also measure different areas of customer satisfaction, according to your business’ needs, allowing you to get a CSAT score that is specific and relevant to you!

  3. CSAT surveys have a good response rate

    CSAT surveys have fewer questions than other established metrics of customer satisfaction. This ensures that they generate a higher response rate.

    A higher response rate means you have access to a larger data pool, which means that your CSAT score is more likely to be holistically representative of actual customer satisfaction across all business verticals!

Some majors cons of using CSAT are:

  1. Data ambiguity

    Wide-ranging CSAT industry benchmarks across companies make it difficult to discern the actual criteria for this score. 

    This is where the survey’s flexibility with respect to customization works against it, because the metric ends up meaning different things to different administrators. 

    Thus, CSAT can be difficult to use as a ubiquitous measure for customer satisfaction in a way that allows for accurate comparison and benchmarking.

  2. Satisfaction is a subjective measure

    Satisfaction as a termcan mean different things to different people. On a rating scale, respondents may not be able to correctly guage how satisfied they are. 

    Customer expectations are a tricky thing to navigate. A customer who scores your product or service a 3 out of 10 may be just as satisfied as another person who has assigns a score of 6 out of 10 and there is no way for you to prove otherwise!

    This issue can largely be circumvented by making yoyur survey questionnaire as specific and straightforward as possible. Having respondents clarify why they have given a certain score helps greatly in determining how valid their rating actually is.

    However, at the end of the day, customer satisfaction does not ensure customer loyalty, and CSAT survey questions cannot be used as a final growth indicator.

  3. Unreliable feedback

    CSAT is a measure of short term sentiment. It must be administered regularly primarily because its results have a very limited validity. This is because customers will continue to interact with and form changing impressions of your product or service over time.

    Furthermore, customers may avoid or hesitate to give neutral responses or negative feedback, deeming it to be unnecessary or rude, therefore skewing your results. Cultural differences between individualistic and collectivistic countries also impact how respondents approach rating scales, with the former more likely to select extreme responses like ‘extremely dissatisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ than the latter. 

As is apparent, there is substantial evidence to support that CSAT surveys can be a hit or miss. To ensure that you’re doing CSAT right, it is advisable to automate the process, which will do away with the human margin of error in administering them.

1Flow: Get Better Responses with Real-time and Personalized CSAT Surveys

Using 1Flow makes administering CSAT surveys much easier and smoother. With its intuitive AI, you can focus on features that matter to customers and create a survey template that stands out.

Designed with product managers and researchers in mind, 1Flow doesn’t need a developer or

someone with technical expertise to operate it.

You can directly integrate customer feedback surveys in post-interaction communications and time your flows for prompt and actionable insight.

Some salient features of 1Flow that will help you get better response rates with real-time and personalized CSAT surveys are:

  • Insightful Dashboards for User Engagement

1Flow’s pre-built reporting and analytical dashboard lets you monitor user behavior and

campaign performance effectively.

You can customize your surveys, time your flows according to your convenience, and trigger interactions post a customer event for maximum user engagement. Designing attractive and intutive surveys ensures that you get a higher response rate.

  • No-code Hassle-free Interface

1Flow’s easy operability ensures that you can incorporate perfectly seamless surveys into your


By presenting flows and interactions at the right time you also significantly increase the likelihood of honest customer insights and valuable feedback.

  • High response Rate

Lastly, 1Flow surveys boast a higher-than-average response rate of 38 percent.

This tried and tested service can greatly help you align with user goals and accelerate your research timeline by collecting more quantitative and qualitative feedback over a short period.

To know more about how this powerful tool can help boost your CSAT survey response rates, get started by signing up for 1Flow today!

In today’s digital age, the customer holds all the power. Customer feedback can make or break a business.

Businesses must learn to leverage both positive and negative feedback in order to improve their customer experience (CX), increase customer satisfaction levels and retention rates, thus reducing the churn rate if they want to succeed. 

Customer satisfaction metrics especially play a crucial role in tapping into customer sentiment, reducing customer churn, and ensuring that your business attracts and maintains happy customers throughout the entire customer journey!

That’s where CSAT comes in. 

This article will catch you up on what a CSAT score is, how to calculate it, how to improve your score, and help you decide whether CSAT is the right metric for your business. 

Read on to know more!

What is a CSAT Score?

A CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score is a customer satisfaction metric which measures your customers’ satisfaction with your product, service, or related customer experiences through surveys or feedback forms. 

CSAT is one of the straightforwardest way of guaging how your customer feels about their interaction with your product or service, and is obtained by asking a single question at different points in the customer journey:

“How satisfied were you with your experience?”

The answer can be entered on a simple rating scale, usually a three-point, five-point, or ten-point one. This score range will later help you determine the percentage of customers that have had a positive, neutral, or negative experience.

The scale can also be non-numeric in nature, and ask respondents to give a star rating, or to select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

select an emoticon corresponding to their feelings about their experience.

How to Calculate CSAT?

The method to calculate CSAT isn’t set in stone. This means that you can alter the way you measure CSAT in a way that's best suited to your business. To start you off, here are some examples:

If your survey yields numerical scores, you can simply take an average of all the submitted scores. For instance, if your CSAT survey has 60 respondents, and their scores add up to 420, then 

CSAT  = sum of all scores ÷ no. of respondents
= 420 ÷ 60 
= 70

While this average score gives you an idea of the level of customer satisfaction, it does not yield the CSAT score percentage which specifically measures the percentage of satisfied customers. 

To get that value, you must separate the scores of satisfied customers, that is, the positive responses from the total responses.

For instance, if only 30 out of the 60 respondents have given positive feedback, then

CSAT   = (no. of positive responses ÷ no. of respondents) x 100
= (30/60) x 100 
= 50 percent

This formula works best because it can be used with a variety of survey types including numerical scales and non-numerical measures such as the five-star rating scale, or a simple three-point scale that asks customers to choose between a happy, neutral, or unhappy emoticon to describe their negative, neutral or positive experiences.

What's a Good CSAT Score?

Typically, 75 to 85 percent is considered to be a good CSAT score. 

Obtaining a score of 75 percent basically means that three out of every four customers are satisfied with your product or service. To further simplify this, remember that a percentage of over 50 is a positive score since it means that over half of your respondents are satisfied!

However, CSAT scores vary from industry to industry. In order to best understand where your CSAT score falls relative to your competitors and industry standards, you should ideally conduct a thorough study of industry averages and competitor bench. 

The table below lists some average CSAT scores by industry:

Industry: Average CSAT score percentage

  • Online search: 80 in 2023

  • Social Media: 73 in 2023

  • Software and Saas: 78 in 2022

  • E-commerce: 80 in 2023

  • Streaming: 77 in 2023

Have you noticed that most of these figures fall between 75 to 85 percent?

Keep in mind that while a perfect CSAT of 100 percent is desirable, it is not always realistic. You are more likely to get a perfect score with a very small pool of respondents, especially in the beginning, but this will soon even out as more consumer data is gathered. 

Don’t be disheartened, because an accurately calculated CSAT is definitely more beneficial for your company in the long run. That said, we’ve outlined a few best practices that you can follow to ensure that you get a better CSAT score!

How to Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Score?

Improving cutomer satisfaction has been ingrained in marketing and sales professionals in today’s customer-centric world. Obvious pointers like

  • collecting customer feedback, 

  • turning collected feedback into action, and

  • improving your product or service 

are basic practices that any business should follow that will boost customer satisfaction in the long run.

But can you boost your CSAT score? Some tips you may not have considered while administering CSAT surveys include:

  1. Offering Multi-channel Support

    Ensure that the various channels and devices used by customers to make their purchases or interact with customer support are accessible at all times. 

    Offering multi-channel support not only allows your customers to effectively communicate their issues, but also gives you the option of measuring CSAT, increasing the number of potential respondents!

  2. Personalizing Your Survey

    A tailor made survey is more likely to capture the attention of your customer base, thus increasing the chances of them providing a response. Feel free to alter the single question that CSAT surveys use to suit your business’ needs!

    Personalization can be as simple as addressing a specific interaction that the customer engaged in recently, or as subtle as incorporating the colours of their branding into your interface temporarily. 

    Now, with the increasing integration of AI in customer interactions, personalization has become easier to manage and incorporate regardless of how big or small your company is. You can now greet users by their names, and increase your chances of conversion with a simple click!

  3. Collecting Multi-faceted Feedback

    Sending out surveys with targeted questions ensures that you get the most accurate responses from your customers. 

    Additionally, measuring CSAT across multiple criteria regarding your product or service yields more data overall, giving you a better idea of where your CSAT score is not upto the mark. You can then course correct for that specific issue immediately, reducing unhappy customers and increasing customer retention!

  4. Collecting Regular CSAT Feedback

    Administering surveys regularly, but not frequently, will set up a reference for measuring CSAT more effectively. 

    Customer’s are more likely to give accurate responses if they’re familiar with the feedback process, and have past experiences to better guage and compare their current experience with.

    It will also boost your CSAT because a decided interval between surveys will allow you to schedule how you work on the actionable feedback gathered within that time, thus streamlining your internal crossfunctionals to work on a solution faster!

Let us now better understand when exactly to ask for customer satisfaction feedback.

When Can You Send Out Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

Establishing a clear customer lifecycle is key to identifying the best time to collect customer satisfaction scores via surveys. 

Depending on the different touchpoints in the customer lifecycle, the scale of your business, and internal timelines, you can send out CSAT surveys

  • post purchase or during the onboarding process,

  • prior to subscription renewals, and

  • post customer support interactions.

Be sure to take into account the above-mentioned pointers on improving CSAT scores for the best results!

Pros and Cons of Using CSAT

CSAT is far from perfect when it comes to measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. Before you commit to it as your primary metric, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with what CSAT can offer your business, and also the challenges it might pose. 

Let’s start with the pros of using CSAT.

  1. CSAT is intuitive and straightforward

    CSAT is easy to use and adresses important customer touchpoints in a simple and effective way. Customer surveys can be embedded in multiple channels and be made available across devices as well.

    These features make CSAT the most accessible and widely distributed metric across industries, making it easy to advertise and leverage a good score as a marketing tactic!

  2. It is a flexible measure

    Not only does CSAT offer flexibility with regards to how you administer it, but it also allows for a high level of customization in the survey itself. 

    Your rating scale can vary according to the context, and you can choose whether you want a numeric scale or non-numeric one. You can also measure different areas of customer satisfaction, according to your business’ needs, allowing you to get a CSAT score that is specific and relevant to you!

  3. CSAT surveys have a good response rate

    CSAT surveys have fewer questions than other established metrics of customer satisfaction. This ensures that they generate a higher response rate.

    A higher response rate means you have access to a larger data pool, which means that your CSAT score is more likely to be holistically representative of actual customer satisfaction across all business verticals!

Some majors cons of using CSAT are:

  1. Data ambiguity

    Wide-ranging CSAT industry benchmarks across companies make it difficult to discern the actual criteria for this score. 

    This is where the survey’s flexibility with respect to customization works against it, because the metric ends up meaning different things to different administrators. 

    Thus, CSAT can be difficult to use as a ubiquitous measure for customer satisfaction in a way that allows for accurate comparison and benchmarking.

  2. Satisfaction is a subjective measure

    Satisfaction as a termcan mean different things to different people. On a rating scale, respondents may not be able to correctly guage how satisfied they are. 

    Customer expectations are a tricky thing to navigate. A customer who scores your product or service a 3 out of 10 may be just as satisfied as another person who has assigns a score of 6 out of 10 and there is no way for you to prove otherwise!

    This issue can largely be circumvented by making yoyur survey questionnaire as specific and straightforward as possible. Having respondents clarify why they have given a certain score helps greatly in determining how valid their rating actually is.

    However, at the end of the day, customer satisfaction does not ensure customer loyalty, and CSAT survey questions cannot be used as a final growth indicator.

  3. Unreliable feedback

    CSAT is a measure of short term sentiment. It must be administered regularly primarily because its results have a very limited validity. This is because customers will continue to interact with and form changing impressions of your product or service over time.

    Furthermore, customers may avoid or hesitate to give neutral responses or negative feedback, deeming it to be unnecessary or rude, therefore skewing your results. Cultural differences between individualistic and collectivistic countries also impact how respondents approach rating scales, with the former more likely to select extreme responses like ‘extremely dissatisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ than the latter. 

As is apparent, there is substantial evidence to support that CSAT surveys can be a hit or miss. To ensure that you’re doing CSAT right, it is advisable to automate the process, which will do away with the human margin of error in administering them.

1Flow: Get Better Responses with Real-time and Personalized CSAT Surveys

Using 1Flow makes administering CSAT surveys much easier and smoother. With its intuitive AI, you can focus on features that matter to customers and create a survey template that stands out.

Designed with product managers and researchers in mind, 1Flow doesn’t need a developer or

someone with technical expertise to operate it.

You can directly integrate customer feedback surveys in post-interaction communications and time your flows for prompt and actionable insight.

Some salient features of 1Flow that will help you get better response rates with real-time and personalized CSAT surveys are:

  • Insightful Dashboards for User Engagement

1Flow’s pre-built reporting and analytical dashboard lets you monitor user behavior and

campaign performance effectively.

You can customize your surveys, time your flows according to your convenience, and trigger interactions post a customer event for maximum user engagement. Designing attractive and intutive surveys ensures that you get a higher response rate.

  • No-code Hassle-free Interface

1Flow’s easy operability ensures that you can incorporate perfectly seamless surveys into your


By presenting flows and interactions at the right time you also significantly increase the likelihood of honest customer insights and valuable feedback.

  • High response Rate

Lastly, 1Flow surveys boast a higher-than-average response rate of 38 percent.

This tried and tested service can greatly help you align with user goals and accelerate your research timeline by collecting more quantitative and qualitative feedback over a short period.

To know more about how this powerful tool can help boost your CSAT survey response rates, get started by signing up for 1Flow today!

Improve your product with better customer insights

Analytics tools tell you what a user does, but not why they are doing it. Our customizable in-product microsurveys give you all the answers you need to make great product decisions.

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