How To Run in-app NPS? (With 7 examples)

Learn how to continually enhancing products and user experience by leveraging in-app Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. Use customer feedback to guide updates and track sentiment for an exceptional user experience.

Creating an exceptional product is an ongoing process. There’s no final perfect stage. Product development and enhancing the user experience aren't just tasks to check off; they're a continuous part of your daily operations.

The good news is that you’re not alone. Honest feedback from customers is a powerful guide for ensuring your updates and enhancements are on the right track.

For companies aiming to connect directly with their loyal users, in-app Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys provide valuable insights into what your best customer concerns and desires are.

These in-app NPS surveys also help track and analyze average scores, offering a comprehensive view of customer sentiment across the user base.

Exceptional customer experience is crucial. To understand and improve it, collect actionable feedback, and use your Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a benchmark for customer satisfaction is indispensable.

What is an in-app NPS survey?

Ever wondered how your users really feel about your product?

Enter the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric developed by Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company in the early 2000s, to help companies gauge user satisfaction and loyalty. 
An in-app NPS survey offers a 360-degree view of user sentiment, seamlessly integrating into the user experience, capturing incredible real-time feedback, and customer sentiment, and providing valuable, contextual insights.

Typically, this survey asks a series of questions uses an 11-point scale for quantitative app user feedback, and includes follow-up question type additional questions

An in-app NPS survey leverages in-app interactions to gauge customer satisfaction, replacing traditional methods like offline surveys or email surveys.

In-app messaging tools are incredible real-time feedback tools, like surveys or customer feedback forms, built right into mobile devices or web apps. They make it easy to gather detailed feedback—what users think or feel—while they're using the app.

Two important points to understand:

  1. Type of Feedback:

In-app feedback surveys work just like other surveys, helping you learn why users may stop using the app. This information guides decisions about product updates to improve growth and keep users satisfied.

  1. Moment Feedback:

These surveys are triggered as users interact with the app, collecting contextual, real-time feedback from customers right then and there. Because they focus on users engaging with the app at that moment, in-app survey response rates are as high as 38%, much better than other survey types.

How to Calculate In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

To calculate your In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS), start by asking users a simple survey question in your app about how likely they are to recommend it to a friend, using a scale from 0 to 10.

Once you have the responses, group users into three user segments:

Promoters (score 9-10): These are users who like your app and are likely to recommend it. They are likely to be loyal users. 

Passives (score 7-8): This percentage of customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic.

Detractors (score 0-6): These app users are not satisfied and might even discourage others from using your app.

Once the survey is completed, use this formula: 

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors

This calculation gives a score from -100 to +100. A higher positive score means better results and anything above +70 shows that this awesome product is among the best in the market.

Valuable customer feedback helps us gauge user satisfaction and tells us how customers see the organization, and whether their experience meets their needs.

After collecting this data, analyze it alongside other customer satisfaction metrics, such as actionable customer feedback, customer concerns, and customer retention rates, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your app's user journey and to the oversimplification of user sentiment.

How to Run In-App NPS for Your Mobile App?

In-app survey software is a tool that smoothly works with mobile apps or web apps, letting companies collect actionable customer feedback from users while they use the product.

The ability to display surveys directly within mobile or web applications is essential because not many survey platforms support this feature.

In-app survey software shines in this aspect. Advanced Promoter Score software often offers more control over where you can initiate in-app surveys on various platforms for app user feedback.

Another capability involves customizing surveys.

Most in-app survey tools let you style the survey widget to align with your brand.

Using these settings, you can:

  • Make sure the widget's text and background colors match your brand.

  • Choose where the survey shows up on the user’s screen.

  • Pick your preferred fonts and more.

  • This way, you can make sure your survey fits your brand, and users will easily notice it while using the product.

Understanding these points is key to knowing what in-app customer feedback software is and how it helps.

Choosing between basic and advanced Net Promoter Score software for mobile apps is essential. Contrary to common belief, advanced options are not necessarily expensive. 

There are considerations and benefits of using advanced Net Promoter Score software for a mobile app.

  • Affordability and Varied Budgets: 

Advanced Promoter Score software doesn't always mean spending big bucks. There are options for all kinds of budgets.

  • Value Enhancement:

It's all about getting your money's worth. Advanced NPS tools are superior to basic ones, giving you more insightful info.

  • Automation for Mobile App Surveys:

Automated surveys for your app will keep NPS surveys going smoothly, giving you the lowdown on loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Incredible Real-Time Feedback:

Timing is everything, especially in product development. Accessing real-time data helps you make quick and smart decisions.

  • Scale and Segmentation:

Basic Net Promoter Score Software works for small customer groups, but as you grow, advanced segmentation is key for gathering the right data.

  • Integration for Informed Decision-Making:

Integrating your NPS scores with systems like CRM and project management are helpful tools to make impactful decisions for your product and business by avoiding the oversimplification of user sentiment.

The reason for using these tools is so that you, whether you're a product manager, a growth marketer, or someone handling business tasks related to product updates or marketing, can receive contextual, real-time feedback and easily make, launch, and handle surveys right in the user interface of an app.

7 In-app NPS survey examples to gauge user satisfaction effectively:

In-app NPS surveys within SaaS companies offer meaningful insights for improving user satisfaction.

  1. Enhance Product Engagement through Onboarding Insights

Understanding user experiences during the onboarding process is crucial in helping them determine if a product suits their needs.

Rather than providing generic recommendations, focusing on specific onboarding aspects enhances this understanding.

  1. Humanize Your Survey Messages for a Friendly Touch

Adopt a casual, friendly tone in your app messaging tool and introduce product team members within the survey to create a positive atmosphere.

This approach encourages users to participate more genuinely, fostering detailed feedback.

  1. Contextualize NPS Surveys for a Compelling Approach

Adding messages that make users feel involved and valued increases response rates significantly.

Users tend to engage more when they feel their input is relevant and valued within the larger context.

  1. Seamless Integration and Accessibility of In-App NPS Surveys

Ensuring a seamless user experience involves strategic placement of NPS surveys within the app interface. By positioning these surveys discreetly at the bottom of the screen, potential disruptions during users' ongoing tasks are minimized.

Maintaining the integrity of the app's user interface is pivotal during survey implementation. Leveraging notification banners effectively integrates surveys into the interface without disturbing users' workflow.

This approach ensures that users can interact with the surveys without losing focus on their current actions, promoting a harmonious integration of survey processes within the app's design.

  1. Give Users the Option to Opt-Out for Genuine Feedback

Offering users the option to opt out of surveys contributes to gathering more genuine feedback. Including an opt-out option makes users feel empowered to share their opinions candidly.

This inclusion significantly enhances the credibility of NPS survey response rates.

  1. Collect Qualitative Responses with Follow-Up Questions

Besides direct questions, follow-up questions within surveys provide avenues for collecting qualitative feedback.

Allowing users to explain the reasons behind their scores adds valuable context and meaningful insights into their decision-making process

  1. Non-Intrusive Feedback Tabs for Seamless Responses

Implementing non-intrusive feedback tabs is another effective method. Users can click on these tabs at their convenience, opening a survey form when they choose to provide feedback passively.

Additionally, before conducting NPS surveys, assessing product-market fit using a PMF survey is recommended. Aligning with current customer behavior and needs ensures more relevant and actionable insights.

Customizing NPS surveys based on user behavior, triggered after specific actions, and being mindful of survey frequency to avoid user annoyance are also crucial considerations.

What's the Right Time to Send In-App NPS Surveys?

Timing is crucial when sending a Net Promoter Score survey. When asking customers for contextual, real-time feedback significantly impacts the quality and quantity of responses received.

Survey questions during the early stages of a customer journey might miss critical details, while a late one could lose the raw emotion associated with the experience. Maximizing feedback quantity and completeness hinges on survey timing, which varies based on product and desired feedback.

Sending out Net Promoter Score surveys to customers should be timed after customers have had a substantial experience with your awesome products or services.

This survey essentially measures two things:

  • What percentage of customers are loyal to your brand and

  • How likely they are to recommend it positively?

These sentiments can only be accurately captured once customers have interacted with what you offer for a reasonable period.

Since they engage with your brand in various ways and at different stages, it's crucial to recognize where they are in their customer journey with your company.

By doing so, you ensure that the survey aligns closely with each customer's unique experience with your brand.

What Are the Right NPS Follow-Up Questions?

The NPS follow-up query is an open-ended question frequently dispatched to customers once they've provided their rating in the NPS survey.

This particular question quite prompts customers to articulate, in their own words, the reasons behind whether or not they’re likely to recommend your product or service, and why.

  1. Open-Ended Questions 

Ask open-ended survey questions to gather detailed feedback that goes beyond ratings. Customers can share what they like and what needs improvement, allowing you to analyze sentiments for deeper, meaningful insights.

  1. Customise follow-up questions as per the scores

Tailor your follow-up questions based on customer scores: promoters, passives, and detractors.

Customise queries to encourage referrals, understand reasons for scores or seek improvement suggestions. For example:

Promoters: We're thrilled you're satisfied. Could you consider recommending us to your friends?

Passives: We value your feedback. Could you explain the reasons behind your rating?

Detractors: Thank you for your feedback. How can we enhance your experience?

  1. Use follow-up questions as a chance to engage further with customers.

Their feedback can spark conversations, aid product development, and provide insights into their experiences, potentially turning detractors into promoters.

Run No-Code In-App NPS Using 1flow

1Flow simplifies in-app surveys without needing coding skills. It's user-friendly, allowing anyone to create and use NPS surveys effortlessly.

With 1Flow, you can manage powerful in-app surveys for mobile apps and websites. It smoothly works with various platforms like iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Google Tag Manager, JavaScript, and Shareable Link Surveys.

No need for engineers or developers to launch an in-app survey using 1Flow, but you might find the Demo helpful. 😉. Plus, its AI capabilities help create and analyze tailored surveys quickly based on your goals and tone. Check out the 1Flow interactive demo to learn a seamless way of collecting in-app user feedback.

Creating an exceptional product is an ongoing process. There’s no final perfect stage. Product development and enhancing the user experience aren't just tasks to check off; they're a continuous part of your daily operations.

The good news is that you’re not alone. Honest feedback from customers is a powerful guide for ensuring your updates and enhancements are on the right track.

For companies aiming to connect directly with their loyal users, in-app Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys provide valuable insights into what your best customer concerns and desires are.

These in-app NPS surveys also help track and analyze average scores, offering a comprehensive view of customer sentiment across the user base.

Exceptional customer experience is crucial. To understand and improve it, collect actionable feedback, and use your Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a benchmark for customer satisfaction is indispensable.

What is an in-app NPS survey?

Ever wondered how your users really feel about your product?

Enter the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric developed by Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company in the early 2000s, to help companies gauge user satisfaction and loyalty. 
An in-app NPS survey offers a 360-degree view of user sentiment, seamlessly integrating into the user experience, capturing incredible real-time feedback, and customer sentiment, and providing valuable, contextual insights.

Typically, this survey asks a series of questions uses an 11-point scale for quantitative app user feedback, and includes follow-up question type additional questions

An in-app NPS survey leverages in-app interactions to gauge customer satisfaction, replacing traditional methods like offline surveys or email surveys.

In-app messaging tools are incredible real-time feedback tools, like surveys or customer feedback forms, built right into mobile devices or web apps. They make it easy to gather detailed feedback—what users think or feel—while they're using the app.

Two important points to understand:

  1. Type of Feedback:

In-app feedback surveys work just like other surveys, helping you learn why users may stop using the app. This information guides decisions about product updates to improve growth and keep users satisfied.

  1. Moment Feedback:

These surveys are triggered as users interact with the app, collecting contextual, real-time feedback from customers right then and there. Because they focus on users engaging with the app at that moment, in-app survey response rates are as high as 38%, much better than other survey types.

How to Calculate In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

To calculate your In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS), start by asking users a simple survey question in your app about how likely they are to recommend it to a friend, using a scale from 0 to 10.

Once you have the responses, group users into three user segments:

Promoters (score 9-10): These are users who like your app and are likely to recommend it. They are likely to be loyal users. 

Passives (score 7-8): This percentage of customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic.

Detractors (score 0-6): These app users are not satisfied and might even discourage others from using your app.

Once the survey is completed, use this formula: 

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors

This calculation gives a score from -100 to +100. A higher positive score means better results and anything above +70 shows that this awesome product is among the best in the market.

Valuable customer feedback helps us gauge user satisfaction and tells us how customers see the organization, and whether their experience meets their needs.

After collecting this data, analyze it alongside other customer satisfaction metrics, such as actionable customer feedback, customer concerns, and customer retention rates, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your app's user journey and to the oversimplification of user sentiment.

How to Run In-App NPS for Your Mobile App?

In-app survey software is a tool that smoothly works with mobile apps or web apps, letting companies collect actionable customer feedback from users while they use the product.

The ability to display surveys directly within mobile or web applications is essential because not many survey platforms support this feature.

In-app survey software shines in this aspect. Advanced Promoter Score software often offers more control over where you can initiate in-app surveys on various platforms for app user feedback.

Another capability involves customizing surveys.

Most in-app survey tools let you style the survey widget to align with your brand.

Using these settings, you can:

  • Make sure the widget's text and background colors match your brand.

  • Choose where the survey shows up on the user’s screen.

  • Pick your preferred fonts and more.

  • This way, you can make sure your survey fits your brand, and users will easily notice it while using the product.

Understanding these points is key to knowing what in-app customer feedback software is and how it helps.

Choosing between basic and advanced Net Promoter Score software for mobile apps is essential. Contrary to common belief, advanced options are not necessarily expensive. 

There are considerations and benefits of using advanced Net Promoter Score software for a mobile app.

  • Affordability and Varied Budgets: 

Advanced Promoter Score software doesn't always mean spending big bucks. There are options for all kinds of budgets.

  • Value Enhancement:

It's all about getting your money's worth. Advanced NPS tools are superior to basic ones, giving you more insightful info.

  • Automation for Mobile App Surveys:

Automated surveys for your app will keep NPS surveys going smoothly, giving you the lowdown on loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Incredible Real-Time Feedback:

Timing is everything, especially in product development. Accessing real-time data helps you make quick and smart decisions.

  • Scale and Segmentation:

Basic Net Promoter Score Software works for small customer groups, but as you grow, advanced segmentation is key for gathering the right data.

  • Integration for Informed Decision-Making:

Integrating your NPS scores with systems like CRM and project management are helpful tools to make impactful decisions for your product and business by avoiding the oversimplification of user sentiment.

The reason for using these tools is so that you, whether you're a product manager, a growth marketer, or someone handling business tasks related to product updates or marketing, can receive contextual, real-time feedback and easily make, launch, and handle surveys right in the user interface of an app.

7 In-app NPS survey examples to gauge user satisfaction effectively:

In-app NPS surveys within SaaS companies offer meaningful insights for improving user satisfaction.

  1. Enhance Product Engagement through Onboarding Insights

Understanding user experiences during the onboarding process is crucial in helping them determine if a product suits their needs.

Rather than providing generic recommendations, focusing on specific onboarding aspects enhances this understanding.

  1. Humanize Your Survey Messages for a Friendly Touch

Adopt a casual, friendly tone in your app messaging tool and introduce product team members within the survey to create a positive atmosphere.

This approach encourages users to participate more genuinely, fostering detailed feedback.

  1. Contextualize NPS Surveys for a Compelling Approach

Adding messages that make users feel involved and valued increases response rates significantly.

Users tend to engage more when they feel their input is relevant and valued within the larger context.

  1. Seamless Integration and Accessibility of In-App NPS Surveys

Ensuring a seamless user experience involves strategic placement of NPS surveys within the app interface. By positioning these surveys discreetly at the bottom of the screen, potential disruptions during users' ongoing tasks are minimized.

Maintaining the integrity of the app's user interface is pivotal during survey implementation. Leveraging notification banners effectively integrates surveys into the interface without disturbing users' workflow.

This approach ensures that users can interact with the surveys without losing focus on their current actions, promoting a harmonious integration of survey processes within the app's design.

  1. Give Users the Option to Opt-Out for Genuine Feedback

Offering users the option to opt out of surveys contributes to gathering more genuine feedback. Including an opt-out option makes users feel empowered to share their opinions candidly.

This inclusion significantly enhances the credibility of NPS survey response rates.

  1. Collect Qualitative Responses with Follow-Up Questions

Besides direct questions, follow-up questions within surveys provide avenues for collecting qualitative feedback.

Allowing users to explain the reasons behind their scores adds valuable context and meaningful insights into their decision-making process

  1. Non-Intrusive Feedback Tabs for Seamless Responses

Implementing non-intrusive feedback tabs is another effective method. Users can click on these tabs at their convenience, opening a survey form when they choose to provide feedback passively.

Additionally, before conducting NPS surveys, assessing product-market fit using a PMF survey is recommended. Aligning with current customer behavior and needs ensures more relevant and actionable insights.

Customizing NPS surveys based on user behavior, triggered after specific actions, and being mindful of survey frequency to avoid user annoyance are also crucial considerations.

What's the Right Time to Send In-App NPS Surveys?

Timing is crucial when sending a Net Promoter Score survey. When asking customers for contextual, real-time feedback significantly impacts the quality and quantity of responses received.

Survey questions during the early stages of a customer journey might miss critical details, while a late one could lose the raw emotion associated with the experience. Maximizing feedback quantity and completeness hinges on survey timing, which varies based on product and desired feedback.

Sending out Net Promoter Score surveys to customers should be timed after customers have had a substantial experience with your awesome products or services.

This survey essentially measures two things:

  • What percentage of customers are loyal to your brand and

  • How likely they are to recommend it positively?

These sentiments can only be accurately captured once customers have interacted with what you offer for a reasonable period.

Since they engage with your brand in various ways and at different stages, it's crucial to recognize where they are in their customer journey with your company.

By doing so, you ensure that the survey aligns closely with each customer's unique experience with your brand.

What Are the Right NPS Follow-Up Questions?

The NPS follow-up query is an open-ended question frequently dispatched to customers once they've provided their rating in the NPS survey.

This particular question quite prompts customers to articulate, in their own words, the reasons behind whether or not they’re likely to recommend your product or service, and why.

  1. Open-Ended Questions 

Ask open-ended survey questions to gather detailed feedback that goes beyond ratings. Customers can share what they like and what needs improvement, allowing you to analyze sentiments for deeper, meaningful insights.

  1. Customise follow-up questions as per the scores

Tailor your follow-up questions based on customer scores: promoters, passives, and detractors.

Customise queries to encourage referrals, understand reasons for scores or seek improvement suggestions. For example:

Promoters: We're thrilled you're satisfied. Could you consider recommending us to your friends?

Passives: We value your feedback. Could you explain the reasons behind your rating?

Detractors: Thank you for your feedback. How can we enhance your experience?

  1. Use follow-up questions as a chance to engage further with customers.

Their feedback can spark conversations, aid product development, and provide insights into their experiences, potentially turning detractors into promoters.

Run No-Code In-App NPS Using 1flow

1Flow simplifies in-app surveys without needing coding skills. It's user-friendly, allowing anyone to create and use NPS surveys effortlessly.

With 1Flow, you can manage powerful in-app surveys for mobile apps and websites. It smoothly works with various platforms like iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Google Tag Manager, JavaScript, and Shareable Link Surveys.

No need for engineers or developers to launch an in-app survey using 1Flow, but you might find the Demo helpful. 😉. Plus, its AI capabilities help create and analyze tailored surveys quickly based on your goals and tone. Check out the 1Flow interactive demo to learn a seamless way of collecting in-app user feedback.

Creating an exceptional product is an ongoing process. There’s no final perfect stage. Product development and enhancing the user experience aren't just tasks to check off; they're a continuous part of your daily operations.

The good news is that you’re not alone. Honest feedback from customers is a powerful guide for ensuring your updates and enhancements are on the right track.

For companies aiming to connect directly with their loyal users, in-app Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys provide valuable insights into what your best customer concerns and desires are.

These in-app NPS surveys also help track and analyze average scores, offering a comprehensive view of customer sentiment across the user base.

Exceptional customer experience is crucial. To understand and improve it, collect actionable feedback, and use your Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a benchmark for customer satisfaction is indispensable.

What is an in-app NPS survey?

Ever wondered how your users really feel about your product?

Enter the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric developed by Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company in the early 2000s, to help companies gauge user satisfaction and loyalty. 
An in-app NPS survey offers a 360-degree view of user sentiment, seamlessly integrating into the user experience, capturing incredible real-time feedback, and customer sentiment, and providing valuable, contextual insights.

Typically, this survey asks a series of questions uses an 11-point scale for quantitative app user feedback, and includes follow-up question type additional questions

An in-app NPS survey leverages in-app interactions to gauge customer satisfaction, replacing traditional methods like offline surveys or email surveys.

In-app messaging tools are incredible real-time feedback tools, like surveys or customer feedback forms, built right into mobile devices or web apps. They make it easy to gather detailed feedback—what users think or feel—while they're using the app.

Two important points to understand:

  1. Type of Feedback:

In-app feedback surveys work just like other surveys, helping you learn why users may stop using the app. This information guides decisions about product updates to improve growth and keep users satisfied.

  1. Moment Feedback:

These surveys are triggered as users interact with the app, collecting contextual, real-time feedback from customers right then and there. Because they focus on users engaging with the app at that moment, in-app survey response rates are as high as 38%, much better than other survey types.

How to Calculate In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

To calculate your In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS), start by asking users a simple survey question in your app about how likely they are to recommend it to a friend, using a scale from 0 to 10.

Once you have the responses, group users into three user segments:

Promoters (score 9-10): These are users who like your app and are likely to recommend it. They are likely to be loyal users. 

Passives (score 7-8): This percentage of customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic.

Detractors (score 0-6): These app users are not satisfied and might even discourage others from using your app.

Once the survey is completed, use this formula: 

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors

This calculation gives a score from -100 to +100. A higher positive score means better results and anything above +70 shows that this awesome product is among the best in the market.

Valuable customer feedback helps us gauge user satisfaction and tells us how customers see the organization, and whether their experience meets their needs.

After collecting this data, analyze it alongside other customer satisfaction metrics, such as actionable customer feedback, customer concerns, and customer retention rates, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your app's user journey and to the oversimplification of user sentiment.

How to Run In-App NPS for Your Mobile App?

In-app survey software is a tool that smoothly works with mobile apps or web apps, letting companies collect actionable customer feedback from users while they use the product.

The ability to display surveys directly within mobile or web applications is essential because not many survey platforms support this feature.

In-app survey software shines in this aspect. Advanced Promoter Score software often offers more control over where you can initiate in-app surveys on various platforms for app user feedback.

Another capability involves customizing surveys.

Most in-app survey tools let you style the survey widget to align with your brand.

Using these settings, you can:

  • Make sure the widget's text and background colors match your brand.

  • Choose where the survey shows up on the user’s screen.

  • Pick your preferred fonts and more.

  • This way, you can make sure your survey fits your brand, and users will easily notice it while using the product.

Understanding these points is key to knowing what in-app customer feedback software is and how it helps.

Choosing between basic and advanced Net Promoter Score software for mobile apps is essential. Contrary to common belief, advanced options are not necessarily expensive. 

There are considerations and benefits of using advanced Net Promoter Score software for a mobile app.

  • Affordability and Varied Budgets: 

Advanced Promoter Score software doesn't always mean spending big bucks. There are options for all kinds of budgets.

  • Value Enhancement:

It's all about getting your money's worth. Advanced NPS tools are superior to basic ones, giving you more insightful info.

  • Automation for Mobile App Surveys:

Automated surveys for your app will keep NPS surveys going smoothly, giving you the lowdown on loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Incredible Real-Time Feedback:

Timing is everything, especially in product development. Accessing real-time data helps you make quick and smart decisions.

  • Scale and Segmentation:

Basic Net Promoter Score Software works for small customer groups, but as you grow, advanced segmentation is key for gathering the right data.

  • Integration for Informed Decision-Making:

Integrating your NPS scores with systems like CRM and project management are helpful tools to make impactful decisions for your product and business by avoiding the oversimplification of user sentiment.

The reason for using these tools is so that you, whether you're a product manager, a growth marketer, or someone handling business tasks related to product updates or marketing, can receive contextual, real-time feedback and easily make, launch, and handle surveys right in the user interface of an app.

7 In-app NPS survey examples to gauge user satisfaction effectively:

In-app NPS surveys within SaaS companies offer meaningful insights for improving user satisfaction.

  1. Enhance Product Engagement through Onboarding Insights

Understanding user experiences during the onboarding process is crucial in helping them determine if a product suits their needs.

Rather than providing generic recommendations, focusing on specific onboarding aspects enhances this understanding.

  1. Humanize Your Survey Messages for a Friendly Touch

Adopt a casual, friendly tone in your app messaging tool and introduce product team members within the survey to create a positive atmosphere.

This approach encourages users to participate more genuinely, fostering detailed feedback.

  1. Contextualize NPS Surveys for a Compelling Approach

Adding messages that make users feel involved and valued increases response rates significantly.

Users tend to engage more when they feel their input is relevant and valued within the larger context.

  1. Seamless Integration and Accessibility of In-App NPS Surveys

Ensuring a seamless user experience involves strategic placement of NPS surveys within the app interface. By positioning these surveys discreetly at the bottom of the screen, potential disruptions during users' ongoing tasks are minimized.

Maintaining the integrity of the app's user interface is pivotal during survey implementation. Leveraging notification banners effectively integrates surveys into the interface without disturbing users' workflow.

This approach ensures that users can interact with the surveys without losing focus on their current actions, promoting a harmonious integration of survey processes within the app's design.

  1. Give Users the Option to Opt-Out for Genuine Feedback

Offering users the option to opt out of surveys contributes to gathering more genuine feedback. Including an opt-out option makes users feel empowered to share their opinions candidly.

This inclusion significantly enhances the credibility of NPS survey response rates.

  1. Collect Qualitative Responses with Follow-Up Questions

Besides direct questions, follow-up questions within surveys provide avenues for collecting qualitative feedback.

Allowing users to explain the reasons behind their scores adds valuable context and meaningful insights into their decision-making process

  1. Non-Intrusive Feedback Tabs for Seamless Responses

Implementing non-intrusive feedback tabs is another effective method. Users can click on these tabs at their convenience, opening a survey form when they choose to provide feedback passively.

Additionally, before conducting NPS surveys, assessing product-market fit using a PMF survey is recommended. Aligning with current customer behavior and needs ensures more relevant and actionable insights.

Customizing NPS surveys based on user behavior, triggered after specific actions, and being mindful of survey frequency to avoid user annoyance are also crucial considerations.

What's the Right Time to Send In-App NPS Surveys?

Timing is crucial when sending a Net Promoter Score survey. When asking customers for contextual, real-time feedback significantly impacts the quality and quantity of responses received.

Survey questions during the early stages of a customer journey might miss critical details, while a late one could lose the raw emotion associated with the experience. Maximizing feedback quantity and completeness hinges on survey timing, which varies based on product and desired feedback.

Sending out Net Promoter Score surveys to customers should be timed after customers have had a substantial experience with your awesome products or services.

This survey essentially measures two things:

  • What percentage of customers are loyal to your brand and

  • How likely they are to recommend it positively?

These sentiments can only be accurately captured once customers have interacted with what you offer for a reasonable period.

Since they engage with your brand in various ways and at different stages, it's crucial to recognize where they are in their customer journey with your company.

By doing so, you ensure that the survey aligns closely with each customer's unique experience with your brand.

What Are the Right NPS Follow-Up Questions?

The NPS follow-up query is an open-ended question frequently dispatched to customers once they've provided their rating in the NPS survey.

This particular question quite prompts customers to articulate, in their own words, the reasons behind whether or not they’re likely to recommend your product or service, and why.

  1. Open-Ended Questions 

Ask open-ended survey questions to gather detailed feedback that goes beyond ratings. Customers can share what they like and what needs improvement, allowing you to analyze sentiments for deeper, meaningful insights.

  1. Customise follow-up questions as per the scores

Tailor your follow-up questions based on customer scores: promoters, passives, and detractors.

Customise queries to encourage referrals, understand reasons for scores or seek improvement suggestions. For example:

Promoters: We're thrilled you're satisfied. Could you consider recommending us to your friends?

Passives: We value your feedback. Could you explain the reasons behind your rating?

Detractors: Thank you for your feedback. How can we enhance your experience?

  1. Use follow-up questions as a chance to engage further with customers.

Their feedback can spark conversations, aid product development, and provide insights into their experiences, potentially turning detractors into promoters.

Run No-Code In-App NPS Using 1flow

1Flow simplifies in-app surveys without needing coding skills. It's user-friendly, allowing anyone to create and use NPS surveys effortlessly.

With 1Flow, you can manage powerful in-app surveys for mobile apps and websites. It smoothly works with various platforms like iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Google Tag Manager, JavaScript, and Shareable Link Surveys.

No need for engineers or developers to launch an in-app survey using 1Flow, but you might find the Demo helpful. 😉. Plus, its AI capabilities help create and analyze tailored surveys quickly based on your goals and tone. Check out the 1Flow interactive demo to learn a seamless way of collecting in-app user feedback.

Creating an exceptional product is an ongoing process. There’s no final perfect stage. Product development and enhancing the user experience aren't just tasks to check off; they're a continuous part of your daily operations.

The good news is that you’re not alone. Honest feedback from customers is a powerful guide for ensuring your updates and enhancements are on the right track.

For companies aiming to connect directly with their loyal users, in-app Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys provide valuable insights into what your best customer concerns and desires are.

These in-app NPS surveys also help track and analyze average scores, offering a comprehensive view of customer sentiment across the user base.

Exceptional customer experience is crucial. To understand and improve it, collect actionable feedback, and use your Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a benchmark for customer satisfaction is indispensable.

What is an in-app NPS survey?

Ever wondered how your users really feel about your product?

Enter the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric developed by Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company in the early 2000s, to help companies gauge user satisfaction and loyalty. 
An in-app NPS survey offers a 360-degree view of user sentiment, seamlessly integrating into the user experience, capturing incredible real-time feedback, and customer sentiment, and providing valuable, contextual insights.

Typically, this survey asks a series of questions uses an 11-point scale for quantitative app user feedback, and includes follow-up question type additional questions

An in-app NPS survey leverages in-app interactions to gauge customer satisfaction, replacing traditional methods like offline surveys or email surveys.

In-app messaging tools are incredible real-time feedback tools, like surveys or customer feedback forms, built right into mobile devices or web apps. They make it easy to gather detailed feedback—what users think or feel—while they're using the app.

Two important points to understand:

  1. Type of Feedback:

In-app feedback surveys work just like other surveys, helping you learn why users may stop using the app. This information guides decisions about product updates to improve growth and keep users satisfied.

  1. Moment Feedback:

These surveys are triggered as users interact with the app, collecting contextual, real-time feedback from customers right then and there. Because they focus on users engaging with the app at that moment, in-app survey response rates are as high as 38%, much better than other survey types.

How to Calculate In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

To calculate your In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS), start by asking users a simple survey question in your app about how likely they are to recommend it to a friend, using a scale from 0 to 10.

Once you have the responses, group users into three user segments:

Promoters (score 9-10): These are users who like your app and are likely to recommend it. They are likely to be loyal users. 

Passives (score 7-8): This percentage of customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic.

Detractors (score 0-6): These app users are not satisfied and might even discourage others from using your app.

Once the survey is completed, use this formula: 

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors

This calculation gives a score from -100 to +100. A higher positive score means better results and anything above +70 shows that this awesome product is among the best in the market.

Valuable customer feedback helps us gauge user satisfaction and tells us how customers see the organization, and whether their experience meets their needs.

After collecting this data, analyze it alongside other customer satisfaction metrics, such as actionable customer feedback, customer concerns, and customer retention rates, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your app's user journey and to the oversimplification of user sentiment.

How to Run In-App NPS for Your Mobile App?

In-app survey software is a tool that smoothly works with mobile apps or web apps, letting companies collect actionable customer feedback from users while they use the product.

The ability to display surveys directly within mobile or web applications is essential because not many survey platforms support this feature.

In-app survey software shines in this aspect. Advanced Promoter Score software often offers more control over where you can initiate in-app surveys on various platforms for app user feedback.

Another capability involves customizing surveys.

Most in-app survey tools let you style the survey widget to align with your brand.

Using these settings, you can:

  • Make sure the widget's text and background colors match your brand.

  • Choose where the survey shows up on the user’s screen.

  • Pick your preferred fonts and more.

  • This way, you can make sure your survey fits your brand, and users will easily notice it while using the product.

Understanding these points is key to knowing what in-app customer feedback software is and how it helps.

Choosing between basic and advanced Net Promoter Score software for mobile apps is essential. Contrary to common belief, advanced options are not necessarily expensive. 

There are considerations and benefits of using advanced Net Promoter Score software for a mobile app.

  • Affordability and Varied Budgets: 

Advanced Promoter Score software doesn't always mean spending big bucks. There are options for all kinds of budgets.

  • Value Enhancement:

It's all about getting your money's worth. Advanced NPS tools are superior to basic ones, giving you more insightful info.

  • Automation for Mobile App Surveys:

Automated surveys for your app will keep NPS surveys going smoothly, giving you the lowdown on loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Incredible Real-Time Feedback:

Timing is everything, especially in product development. Accessing real-time data helps you make quick and smart decisions.

  • Scale and Segmentation:

Basic Net Promoter Score Software works for small customer groups, but as you grow, advanced segmentation is key for gathering the right data.

  • Integration for Informed Decision-Making:

Integrating your NPS scores with systems like CRM and project management are helpful tools to make impactful decisions for your product and business by avoiding the oversimplification of user sentiment.

The reason for using these tools is so that you, whether you're a product manager, a growth marketer, or someone handling business tasks related to product updates or marketing, can receive contextual, real-time feedback and easily make, launch, and handle surveys right in the user interface of an app.

7 In-app NPS survey examples to gauge user satisfaction effectively:

In-app NPS surveys within SaaS companies offer meaningful insights for improving user satisfaction.

  1. Enhance Product Engagement through Onboarding Insights

Understanding user experiences during the onboarding process is crucial in helping them determine if a product suits their needs.

Rather than providing generic recommendations, focusing on specific onboarding aspects enhances this understanding.

  1. Humanize Your Survey Messages for a Friendly Touch

Adopt a casual, friendly tone in your app messaging tool and introduce product team members within the survey to create a positive atmosphere.

This approach encourages users to participate more genuinely, fostering detailed feedback.

  1. Contextualize NPS Surveys for a Compelling Approach

Adding messages that make users feel involved and valued increases response rates significantly.

Users tend to engage more when they feel their input is relevant and valued within the larger context.

  1. Seamless Integration and Accessibility of In-App NPS Surveys

Ensuring a seamless user experience involves strategic placement of NPS surveys within the app interface. By positioning these surveys discreetly at the bottom of the screen, potential disruptions during users' ongoing tasks are minimized.

Maintaining the integrity of the app's user interface is pivotal during survey implementation. Leveraging notification banners effectively integrates surveys into the interface without disturbing users' workflow.

This approach ensures that users can interact with the surveys without losing focus on their current actions, promoting a harmonious integration of survey processes within the app's design.

  1. Give Users the Option to Opt-Out for Genuine Feedback

Offering users the option to opt out of surveys contributes to gathering more genuine feedback. Including an opt-out option makes users feel empowered to share their opinions candidly.

This inclusion significantly enhances the credibility of NPS survey response rates.

  1. Collect Qualitative Responses with Follow-Up Questions

Besides direct questions, follow-up questions within surveys provide avenues for collecting qualitative feedback.

Allowing users to explain the reasons behind their scores adds valuable context and meaningful insights into their decision-making process

  1. Non-Intrusive Feedback Tabs for Seamless Responses

Implementing non-intrusive feedback tabs is another effective method. Users can click on these tabs at their convenience, opening a survey form when they choose to provide feedback passively.

Additionally, before conducting NPS surveys, assessing product-market fit using a PMF survey is recommended. Aligning with current customer behavior and needs ensures more relevant and actionable insights.

Customizing NPS surveys based on user behavior, triggered after specific actions, and being mindful of survey frequency to avoid user annoyance are also crucial considerations.

What's the Right Time to Send In-App NPS Surveys?

Timing is crucial when sending a Net Promoter Score survey. When asking customers for contextual, real-time feedback significantly impacts the quality and quantity of responses received.

Survey questions during the early stages of a customer journey might miss critical details, while a late one could lose the raw emotion associated with the experience. Maximizing feedback quantity and completeness hinges on survey timing, which varies based on product and desired feedback.

Sending out Net Promoter Score surveys to customers should be timed after customers have had a substantial experience with your awesome products or services.

This survey essentially measures two things:

  • What percentage of customers are loyal to your brand and

  • How likely they are to recommend it positively?

These sentiments can only be accurately captured once customers have interacted with what you offer for a reasonable period.

Since they engage with your brand in various ways and at different stages, it's crucial to recognize where they are in their customer journey with your company.

By doing so, you ensure that the survey aligns closely with each customer's unique experience with your brand.

What Are the Right NPS Follow-Up Questions?

The NPS follow-up query is an open-ended question frequently dispatched to customers once they've provided their rating in the NPS survey.

This particular question quite prompts customers to articulate, in their own words, the reasons behind whether or not they’re likely to recommend your product or service, and why.

  1. Open-Ended Questions 

Ask open-ended survey questions to gather detailed feedback that goes beyond ratings. Customers can share what they like and what needs improvement, allowing you to analyze sentiments for deeper, meaningful insights.

  1. Customise follow-up questions as per the scores

Tailor your follow-up questions based on customer scores: promoters, passives, and detractors.

Customise queries to encourage referrals, understand reasons for scores or seek improvement suggestions. For example:

Promoters: We're thrilled you're satisfied. Could you consider recommending us to your friends?

Passives: We value your feedback. Could you explain the reasons behind your rating?

Detractors: Thank you for your feedback. How can we enhance your experience?

  1. Use follow-up questions as a chance to engage further with customers.

Their feedback can spark conversations, aid product development, and provide insights into their experiences, potentially turning detractors into promoters.

Run No-Code In-App NPS Using 1flow

1Flow simplifies in-app surveys without needing coding skills. It's user-friendly, allowing anyone to create and use NPS surveys effortlessly.

With 1Flow, you can manage powerful in-app surveys for mobile apps and websites. It smoothly works with various platforms like iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Google Tag Manager, JavaScript, and Shareable Link Surveys.

No need for engineers or developers to launch an in-app survey using 1Flow, but you might find the Demo helpful. 😉. Plus, its AI capabilities help create and analyze tailored surveys quickly based on your goals and tone. Check out the 1Flow interactive demo to learn a seamless way of collecting in-app user feedback.

Improve your product with better customer insights

Analytics tools tell you what a user does, but not why they are doing it. Our customizable in-product microsurveys give you all the answers you need to make great product decisions.

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