What Are User Surveys? Here's Everything You Need to Know!

Curious about user surveys? This guide covers the basics, benefits, and best practices of conducting user surveys to gather valuable feedback and insights from your target audience.

A happy and satisfied customer tells a friend while an unhappy customer tells the world.

Don’t take our word for it. According to a Deloitte study, a satisfied customer mentions the experience with a company to 9 people and up to an average of 16 people after a bad experience.

And in today’s social media world where negativity spreads faster than a bonfire, you need to constantly collect consumer insights regarding product experience to ensure users are getting nothing but great experience.

Furthermore, today’s customers expect nothing but better experiences:

Source: Salesforce

How do you gauge customer satisfaction with your product? Through conducting regular user surveys.

Not sure where to begin?

That’s why we created this guide.
In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into user surveys, exploring why they are a valuable tool for user research.

We’ll also discuss the best practices for creating successful user surveys and share important questions to ask in a user survey.

Let’s get started. 

What are User Surveys?

Free photo customer satisfaction online survey form

Source: Freepik

User surveys are a powerful user research tool, designed to gather qualitative insights that delve into customer experiences with a product or service. 

These surveys go beyond mere quantitative data, offering a deeper understanding of user interactions and perceptions. 

By asking carefully crafted questions, SaaS businesses can extract valuable insights that extend beyond direct feedback, uncovering the intricacies of user sentiment and preferences.

The types of questions asked in user research surveys play a crucial role in extracting actionable customer insights. Ranging from open-ended questions to structured multiple-choice options, these surveys aim to capture the essence of user experiences, allowing businesses to discern patterns and trends. 

The diverse nature of questions ensures a comprehensive exploration of product experience, helping companies refine their offerings based on the detailed feedback received.

Essentially, user surveys act as a direct line of communication between businesses and their customer base, providing a platform for customers to articulate their thoughts, preferences, and concerns. 

Through these surveys, organizations can systematically collect, analyze, and interpret the gathered data to make informed decisions that enhance their products or services.

In essence, user surveys empower businesses with the means to continuously optimize and tailor their offerings in alignment with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of their user base.

Why Are Surveys So Valuable in User Research?

Believing that internal feedback is sufficient for product improvement is an unwise gamble.

The fallout is that it lacks external perspectives and real-world user experiences.

Here are key reasons why surveys are a powerful tool in user research:

  • Direct access to customer experiences: Forget guesswork! Surveys bridge the gap, offering direct feedback from your target audience. This enables you to dive into their user journeys, understand their pain points and preferences, and gain a clear picture of their overall customer experience.

  • They unlock unfiltered opinions: Closed-ended survey questions provide quantitative data, but the real magic lies in open-ended questions. These prompts unlock doors to user emotions, frustrations, and suggestions. User surveys go beyond surface-level responses and discover actionable insights that fuel genuine product improvement.

  • Reaching your ideal users: Targeting the right people is crucial. Surveys allow you to tailor questions to specific segments of your target market, whether it's loyal customers or potential ones. You gain precise feedback relevant to their needs and behaviors, informing data-driven decisions that truly resonate.

  • They go beyond the obvious: Customer surveys go beyond the visible. They can uncover hidden issues or unexpected delights that users might not readily express. This depth of feedback allows you to identify roadblocks early on in the user journey, leading to more comprehensive product updates.

  • Quantifying user sentiment: Numbers speak volumes! Surveys help measure user satisfaction, identify trends, and track the impact of changes on customer experiences. This quantitative data empowers you to make informed decisions based on real-world feedback, ensuring your product evolves alongside your evolving market.

Best Practices for Effective User Surveys

User surveys are a powerful tool to collect qualitative and quantitative insights into customers, but when used correctly.

Consider this—according to a recent survey by Appcues, 42.37% of respondents struggle to gain access to actionable data:


Source: Appcues

Here are useful tips to help you create a successful survey and boost your response rate.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Target Audience

Before crafting surveys, clearly define objectives and target audience. 

Establishing the purpose ensures meaningful data collection while pinpointing the audience directs the survey toward relevant insights tailored to the specific needs of the target demographic.

2. Craft Well-Defined, Concise Questions

Utilize well-crafted, concise, and easily understood survey questions. Clarity in question formulation is essential for gathering reliable answers and actionable insights. 

Ensure that question types, whether open-ended or closed-ended, align with the survey's goals and effectively capture the desired information.

3. Avoid Leading or Biased Questions

Maintain survey integrity by avoiding leading or biased questions. Crafting neutral queries prevents unintentional influence on survey responses, ensuring the authenticity of the collected data. 

This approach enhances the reliability of insights for informed decision-making and product improvement.

4. Consider Optimal Survey Length

Carefully consider the survey length to prevent respondent fatigue. 

Balancing the series of questions ensures an optimal survey experience, promoting higher completion rates and more accurate data collection. Short, focused surveys are more likely to elicit thoughtful and thorough responses.

5. Segment Audience for Personalized Surveys

Improve engagement by segmenting the audience and sending personalized, targeted surveys. Tailoring questions to specific demographics or user characteristics enhances the relevance of the survey, garnering more insightful responses. 

This approach not only minimizes survey fatigue but also provides a more nuanced understanding of diverse user perspectives.

6. Keep Surveys Simple and Focused

Simplicity is key in survey design. Keep surveys simple and focused on the core objectives. Avoid overwhelming participants with unnecessary complexity, ensuring that each question contributes directly to the survey's purpose. 

A streamlined approach fosters better user engagement and more meaningful responses.

7. Gather Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Ensure a comprehensive view by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. Combining numerical metrics with qualitative responses enriches the analysis, offering a more holistic understanding of user experiences. 

This approach provides actionable insights for refining product features and making informed decisions.

8. Utilize Different Distribution Channels

Diversify survey distribution channels to reach a broader audience. Employing various platforms, such as email, social media, or embedded website forms, maximizes participation. 

Tailor the distribution strategy to your target audience's preferences, ensuring a wider reach and diverse survey responses.

9. Close the Feedback Loop with Follow-up

Foster a sense of closure by actively closing the feedback loop. After analyzing survey responses, communicate the outcomes to participants and demonstrate how their feedback influenced decisions or product improvements. 

This follow-up not only engages participants but also establishes a transparent and responsive relationship between the business and its audience.

10. Use a Robust Survey Tool

To optimize the effectiveness of user surveys, it is crucial to utilize an excellent survey tool that ensures reliable answers and caters to the diverse needs of survey participants, including those involved in in-app surveys

Choosing a powerful survey tool like 1Flow is foundational to obtaining meaningful insights and enhancing the overall survey experience.

The tool should offer a user-friendly interface, robust features, and customization options. This not only streamlines the survey creation process but also encourages active participation from respondents. 

The tool's reliability in generating accurate and consistent answers is paramount for drawing meaningful conclusions from the gathered data.

When considering app surveys, the chosen survey tool must demonstrate adaptability and efficiency in this specific context. 

It should enable seamless integration with mobile applications, providing an engaging and user-friendly experience for participants accessing surveys through apps. 

This adaptability ensures that the survey tool is aligned with the evolving technological landscape and meets the expectations of participants who prefer mobile interactions.

How do User Surveys Help Businesses?

Businesses and companies leverage user surveys for various reasons but here are the key use cases:

1. Uncover Friction Points in the User Journey

User surveys serve as invaluable tools for companies to identify and address friction points in the user journey. 

By strategically deploying surveys at various stages of product development, businesses can obtain detailed feedback on user experiences, uncovering both quantitative insights and qualitative answers. 

This enables companies to pinpoint areas of improvement, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying product experience for their target audience.

2. Improve the Quality of Products and Services

Leveraging customer feedback through surveys is a proactive approach to enhancing the quality of products and services. 

These surveys, whether in the form of app surveys or broader product satisfaction surveys, provide actionable user feedback that guides informed decisions. 

By analyzing responses, companies gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences, facilitating targeted product improvement strategies that align with the evolving needs of their target audience.

3. Collect Data and Profile Your Ideal Customer

User surveys are instrumental in collecting data that aid in profiling the ideal customer. Through a strategic choice of questions, businesses can gather information about customer segments, preferences, and behaviors. 

This data contributes to building a comprehensive profile of the target audience, enabling companies to tailor their products, marketing strategies, and overall approach to align with the characteristics and expectations of their satisfied customers.

4. Decrease User Churn

To combat user churn, companies utilize surveys to understand the reasons behind customer attrition. 

Customer satisfaction surveys and exit surveys, when strategically deployed, provide actionable customer insights into areas that need improvement. 

Armed with this knowledge, businesses can implement targeted strategies to reduce user churn, fostering long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

5. Understand Your Audience Better

User surveys are a fundamental tool for companies seeking to understand their audience on a deeper level. 

By posing questions that delve into user demographics, preferences, and behaviors, businesses gain actionable insights that inform product development and marketing strategies. 

This understanding ensures that products and services resonate with the target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more informed business decisions.

6. Improve the Customer Experience

Companies utilize user surveys to actively enhance the overall customer experience. Gathering both quantitative and qualitative data through surveys allows businesses to identify specific aspects of the customer journey that require improvement. 

Whether through streamlining user onboarding processes or refining product features based on feedback, these surveys contribute to a more positive and tailored customer experience.

7. Streamline User Onboarding

According to a Precursive report, poor user onboarding is among the leading factors of customer churn.

User surveys play a vital role in streamlining user onboarding processes. 

By deploying surveys at the initial stages of user interaction, businesses can gather insights into user preferences and pain points. 

This information enables companies to optimize onboarding procedures, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience that enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.

8. Segment Users for Personalized Experiences

Through strategic segmentation of users using surveys, companies can deliver personalized experiences. 

By tailoring survey questions to capture specific customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can categorize users into relevant segments. 

This segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts, personalized product recommendations, and an overall more customized interaction, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Important Questions to Ask in a User Survey

Free Question Question Mark photo and picture

Source: Pixabay

When conducting user surveys, the questions you ask can make or break the entire process.

Who you ask and how you ask are as important as the questions you ask. So here are 5 effective questions to ask if you want to get reliable answers to your surveys:

1. How would you rate your overall experience with our product on a scale from 1 to 10? We value your opinion, so feel free to elaborate with open-ended insights. Your feedback helps us gauge satisfaction and improve user experience.

By employing a scale question, you aim for a quantitative measure of user satisfaction. The open-ended follow-up encourages users to share qualitative insights, providing a more nuanced understanding of their sentiments. 

This approach not only helps assess satisfaction levels but also gathers valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

2. Could you share specific features you find most valuable?

This open-ended question allows for qualitative answers, providing a deeper understanding of what resonates with active users. 

Complementing this with choice questions ensures a wide range of responses, aiding survey design and avoiding leading questions that might skew results.

3. On a scale of 1 to 7, how would you rate the ease of navigating our platform?

Utilizing closed-ended questions with a scale provides a cost-effective way to gauge user sentiments on a specific aspect—navigation in this case. 

Including open-ended questions alongside scales addresses potentially unbalanced scales, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the user experience.

4. What types of improvements would you like to see in our next update?

This open-ended question encourages users to express their opinions on areas that need enhancement, fostering engagement. 

Balancing open-ended and closed-ended questions is essential for maintaining a high completion rate, capturing reliable answers, and avoiding potential pitfalls associated with poorly designed questions.

5. Have you ever participated in our user interviews or provided customer feedback via email surveys?

Understanding the level of user engagement with user interviews and email surveys helps assess the representativeness of the collected data. 

Acknowledging the contributions of real users reinforces the value of their opinions in shaping the product's direction, fostering a sense of involvement and importance.

Leverage a Powerful User Survey Tool to Streamline Feedback Collection

Creating user surveys manually can be a hectic and time-consuming process. Using specialized survey software can be a game-changer.

This is where 1Flow becomes helpful.

With 1Flow, you can create customized user surveys in seconds. The tool offers customizable survey templates so you don’t have to create surveys from scratch.


What’s more, it allows you to automatically survey users while they interact with your app or browse your website.

Use this software to collect actionable user feedback to understand what users want, how they feel when using your product, and why they churn.


When done well, user surveys can help you uncover useful insights into your customers' concerns, needs, and expectations with your product or services. 

By analyzing the data collected, you can uncover areas of improvement, make data-driven decisions, and improve your user or customer satisfaction.

Leverage user surveys to understand your customers deeply and delight them!

A happy and satisfied customer tells a friend while an unhappy customer tells the world.

Don’t take our word for it. According to a Deloitte study, a satisfied customer mentions the experience with a company to 9 people and up to an average of 16 people after a bad experience.

And in today’s social media world where negativity spreads faster than a bonfire, you need to constantly collect consumer insights regarding product experience to ensure users are getting nothing but great experience.

Furthermore, today’s customers expect nothing but better experiences:

Source: Salesforce

How do you gauge customer satisfaction with your product? Through conducting regular user surveys.

Not sure where to begin?

That’s why we created this guide.
In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into user surveys, exploring why they are a valuable tool for user research.

We’ll also discuss the best practices for creating successful user surveys and share important questions to ask in a user survey.

Let’s get started. 

What are User Surveys?

Free photo customer satisfaction online survey form

Source: Freepik

User surveys are a powerful user research tool, designed to gather qualitative insights that delve into customer experiences with a product or service. 

These surveys go beyond mere quantitative data, offering a deeper understanding of user interactions and perceptions. 

By asking carefully crafted questions, SaaS businesses can extract valuable insights that extend beyond direct feedback, uncovering the intricacies of user sentiment and preferences.

The types of questions asked in user research surveys play a crucial role in extracting actionable customer insights. Ranging from open-ended questions to structured multiple-choice options, these surveys aim to capture the essence of user experiences, allowing businesses to discern patterns and trends. 

The diverse nature of questions ensures a comprehensive exploration of product experience, helping companies refine their offerings based on the detailed feedback received.

Essentially, user surveys act as a direct line of communication between businesses and their customer base, providing a platform for customers to articulate their thoughts, preferences, and concerns. 

Through these surveys, organizations can systematically collect, analyze, and interpret the gathered data to make informed decisions that enhance their products or services.

In essence, user surveys empower businesses with the means to continuously optimize and tailor their offerings in alignment with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of their user base.

Why Are Surveys So Valuable in User Research?

Believing that internal feedback is sufficient for product improvement is an unwise gamble.

The fallout is that it lacks external perspectives and real-world user experiences.

Here are key reasons why surveys are a powerful tool in user research:

  • Direct access to customer experiences: Forget guesswork! Surveys bridge the gap, offering direct feedback from your target audience. This enables you to dive into their user journeys, understand their pain points and preferences, and gain a clear picture of their overall customer experience.

  • They unlock unfiltered opinions: Closed-ended survey questions provide quantitative data, but the real magic lies in open-ended questions. These prompts unlock doors to user emotions, frustrations, and suggestions. User surveys go beyond surface-level responses and discover actionable insights that fuel genuine product improvement.

  • Reaching your ideal users: Targeting the right people is crucial. Surveys allow you to tailor questions to specific segments of your target market, whether it's loyal customers or potential ones. You gain precise feedback relevant to their needs and behaviors, informing data-driven decisions that truly resonate.

  • They go beyond the obvious: Customer surveys go beyond the visible. They can uncover hidden issues or unexpected delights that users might not readily express. This depth of feedback allows you to identify roadblocks early on in the user journey, leading to more comprehensive product updates.

  • Quantifying user sentiment: Numbers speak volumes! Surveys help measure user satisfaction, identify trends, and track the impact of changes on customer experiences. This quantitative data empowers you to make informed decisions based on real-world feedback, ensuring your product evolves alongside your evolving market.

Best Practices for Effective User Surveys

User surveys are a powerful tool to collect qualitative and quantitative insights into customers, but when used correctly.

Consider this—according to a recent survey by Appcues, 42.37% of respondents struggle to gain access to actionable data:


Source: Appcues

Here are useful tips to help you create a successful survey and boost your response rate.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Target Audience

Before crafting surveys, clearly define objectives and target audience. 

Establishing the purpose ensures meaningful data collection while pinpointing the audience directs the survey toward relevant insights tailored to the specific needs of the target demographic.

2. Craft Well-Defined, Concise Questions

Utilize well-crafted, concise, and easily understood survey questions. Clarity in question formulation is essential for gathering reliable answers and actionable insights. 

Ensure that question types, whether open-ended or closed-ended, align with the survey's goals and effectively capture the desired information.

3. Avoid Leading or Biased Questions

Maintain survey integrity by avoiding leading or biased questions. Crafting neutral queries prevents unintentional influence on survey responses, ensuring the authenticity of the collected data. 

This approach enhances the reliability of insights for informed decision-making and product improvement.

4. Consider Optimal Survey Length

Carefully consider the survey length to prevent respondent fatigue. 

Balancing the series of questions ensures an optimal survey experience, promoting higher completion rates and more accurate data collection. Short, focused surveys are more likely to elicit thoughtful and thorough responses.

5. Segment Audience for Personalized Surveys

Improve engagement by segmenting the audience and sending personalized, targeted surveys. Tailoring questions to specific demographics or user characteristics enhances the relevance of the survey, garnering more insightful responses. 

This approach not only minimizes survey fatigue but also provides a more nuanced understanding of diverse user perspectives.

6. Keep Surveys Simple and Focused

Simplicity is key in survey design. Keep surveys simple and focused on the core objectives. Avoid overwhelming participants with unnecessary complexity, ensuring that each question contributes directly to the survey's purpose. 

A streamlined approach fosters better user engagement and more meaningful responses.

7. Gather Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Ensure a comprehensive view by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. Combining numerical metrics with qualitative responses enriches the analysis, offering a more holistic understanding of user experiences. 

This approach provides actionable insights for refining product features and making informed decisions.

8. Utilize Different Distribution Channels

Diversify survey distribution channels to reach a broader audience. Employing various platforms, such as email, social media, or embedded website forms, maximizes participation. 

Tailor the distribution strategy to your target audience's preferences, ensuring a wider reach and diverse survey responses.

9. Close the Feedback Loop with Follow-up

Foster a sense of closure by actively closing the feedback loop. After analyzing survey responses, communicate the outcomes to participants and demonstrate how their feedback influenced decisions or product improvements. 

This follow-up not only engages participants but also establishes a transparent and responsive relationship between the business and its audience.

10. Use a Robust Survey Tool

To optimize the effectiveness of user surveys, it is crucial to utilize an excellent survey tool that ensures reliable answers and caters to the diverse needs of survey participants, including those involved in in-app surveys

Choosing a powerful survey tool like 1Flow is foundational to obtaining meaningful insights and enhancing the overall survey experience.

The tool should offer a user-friendly interface, robust features, and customization options. This not only streamlines the survey creation process but also encourages active participation from respondents. 

The tool's reliability in generating accurate and consistent answers is paramount for drawing meaningful conclusions from the gathered data.

When considering app surveys, the chosen survey tool must demonstrate adaptability and efficiency in this specific context. 

It should enable seamless integration with mobile applications, providing an engaging and user-friendly experience for participants accessing surveys through apps. 

This adaptability ensures that the survey tool is aligned with the evolving technological landscape and meets the expectations of participants who prefer mobile interactions.

How do User Surveys Help Businesses?

Businesses and companies leverage user surveys for various reasons but here are the key use cases:

1. Uncover Friction Points in the User Journey

User surveys serve as invaluable tools for companies to identify and address friction points in the user journey. 

By strategically deploying surveys at various stages of product development, businesses can obtain detailed feedback on user experiences, uncovering both quantitative insights and qualitative answers. 

This enables companies to pinpoint areas of improvement, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying product experience for their target audience.

2. Improve the Quality of Products and Services

Leveraging customer feedback through surveys is a proactive approach to enhancing the quality of products and services. 

These surveys, whether in the form of app surveys or broader product satisfaction surveys, provide actionable user feedback that guides informed decisions. 

By analyzing responses, companies gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences, facilitating targeted product improvement strategies that align with the evolving needs of their target audience.

3. Collect Data and Profile Your Ideal Customer

User surveys are instrumental in collecting data that aid in profiling the ideal customer. Through a strategic choice of questions, businesses can gather information about customer segments, preferences, and behaviors. 

This data contributes to building a comprehensive profile of the target audience, enabling companies to tailor their products, marketing strategies, and overall approach to align with the characteristics and expectations of their satisfied customers.

4. Decrease User Churn

To combat user churn, companies utilize surveys to understand the reasons behind customer attrition. 

Customer satisfaction surveys and exit surveys, when strategically deployed, provide actionable customer insights into areas that need improvement. 

Armed with this knowledge, businesses can implement targeted strategies to reduce user churn, fostering long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

5. Understand Your Audience Better

User surveys are a fundamental tool for companies seeking to understand their audience on a deeper level. 

By posing questions that delve into user demographics, preferences, and behaviors, businesses gain actionable insights that inform product development and marketing strategies. 

This understanding ensures that products and services resonate with the target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more informed business decisions.

6. Improve the Customer Experience

Companies utilize user surveys to actively enhance the overall customer experience. Gathering both quantitative and qualitative data through surveys allows businesses to identify specific aspects of the customer journey that require improvement. 

Whether through streamlining user onboarding processes or refining product features based on feedback, these surveys contribute to a more positive and tailored customer experience.

7. Streamline User Onboarding

According to a Precursive report, poor user onboarding is among the leading factors of customer churn.

User surveys play a vital role in streamlining user onboarding processes. 

By deploying surveys at the initial stages of user interaction, businesses can gather insights into user preferences and pain points. 

This information enables companies to optimize onboarding procedures, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience that enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.

8. Segment Users for Personalized Experiences

Through strategic segmentation of users using surveys, companies can deliver personalized experiences. 

By tailoring survey questions to capture specific customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can categorize users into relevant segments. 

This segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts, personalized product recommendations, and an overall more customized interaction, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Important Questions to Ask in a User Survey

Free Question Question Mark photo and picture

Source: Pixabay

When conducting user surveys, the questions you ask can make or break the entire process.

Who you ask and how you ask are as important as the questions you ask. So here are 5 effective questions to ask if you want to get reliable answers to your surveys:

1. How would you rate your overall experience with our product on a scale from 1 to 10? We value your opinion, so feel free to elaborate with open-ended insights. Your feedback helps us gauge satisfaction and improve user experience.

By employing a scale question, you aim for a quantitative measure of user satisfaction. The open-ended follow-up encourages users to share qualitative insights, providing a more nuanced understanding of their sentiments. 

This approach not only helps assess satisfaction levels but also gathers valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

2. Could you share specific features you find most valuable?

This open-ended question allows for qualitative answers, providing a deeper understanding of what resonates with active users. 

Complementing this with choice questions ensures a wide range of responses, aiding survey design and avoiding leading questions that might skew results.

3. On a scale of 1 to 7, how would you rate the ease of navigating our platform?

Utilizing closed-ended questions with a scale provides a cost-effective way to gauge user sentiments on a specific aspect—navigation in this case. 

Including open-ended questions alongside scales addresses potentially unbalanced scales, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the user experience.

4. What types of improvements would you like to see in our next update?

This open-ended question encourages users to express their opinions on areas that need enhancement, fostering engagement. 

Balancing open-ended and closed-ended questions is essential for maintaining a high completion rate, capturing reliable answers, and avoiding potential pitfalls associated with poorly designed questions.

5. Have you ever participated in our user interviews or provided customer feedback via email surveys?

Understanding the level of user engagement with user interviews and email surveys helps assess the representativeness of the collected data. 

Acknowledging the contributions of real users reinforces the value of their opinions in shaping the product's direction, fostering a sense of involvement and importance.

Leverage a Powerful User Survey Tool to Streamline Feedback Collection

Creating user surveys manually can be a hectic and time-consuming process. Using specialized survey software can be a game-changer.

This is where 1Flow becomes helpful.

With 1Flow, you can create customized user surveys in seconds. The tool offers customizable survey templates so you don’t have to create surveys from scratch.


What’s more, it allows you to automatically survey users while they interact with your app or browse your website.

Use this software to collect actionable user feedback to understand what users want, how they feel when using your product, and why they churn.


When done well, user surveys can help you uncover useful insights into your customers' concerns, needs, and expectations with your product or services. 

By analyzing the data collected, you can uncover areas of improvement, make data-driven decisions, and improve your user or customer satisfaction.

Leverage user surveys to understand your customers deeply and delight them!

A happy and satisfied customer tells a friend while an unhappy customer tells the world.

Don’t take our word for it. According to a Deloitte study, a satisfied customer mentions the experience with a company to 9 people and up to an average of 16 people after a bad experience.

And in today’s social media world where negativity spreads faster than a bonfire, you need to constantly collect consumer insights regarding product experience to ensure users are getting nothing but great experience.

Furthermore, today’s customers expect nothing but better experiences:

Source: Salesforce

How do you gauge customer satisfaction with your product? Through conducting regular user surveys.

Not sure where to begin?

That’s why we created this guide.
In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into user surveys, exploring why they are a valuable tool for user research.

We’ll also discuss the best practices for creating successful user surveys and share important questions to ask in a user survey.

Let’s get started. 

What are User Surveys?

Free photo customer satisfaction online survey form

Source: Freepik

User surveys are a powerful user research tool, designed to gather qualitative insights that delve into customer experiences with a product or service. 

These surveys go beyond mere quantitative data, offering a deeper understanding of user interactions and perceptions. 

By asking carefully crafted questions, SaaS businesses can extract valuable insights that extend beyond direct feedback, uncovering the intricacies of user sentiment and preferences.

The types of questions asked in user research surveys play a crucial role in extracting actionable customer insights. Ranging from open-ended questions to structured multiple-choice options, these surveys aim to capture the essence of user experiences, allowing businesses to discern patterns and trends. 

The diverse nature of questions ensures a comprehensive exploration of product experience, helping companies refine their offerings based on the detailed feedback received.

Essentially, user surveys act as a direct line of communication between businesses and their customer base, providing a platform for customers to articulate their thoughts, preferences, and concerns. 

Through these surveys, organizations can systematically collect, analyze, and interpret the gathered data to make informed decisions that enhance their products or services.

In essence, user surveys empower businesses with the means to continuously optimize and tailor their offerings in alignment with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of their user base.

Why Are Surveys So Valuable in User Research?

Believing that internal feedback is sufficient for product improvement is an unwise gamble.

The fallout is that it lacks external perspectives and real-world user experiences.

Here are key reasons why surveys are a powerful tool in user research:

  • Direct access to customer experiences: Forget guesswork! Surveys bridge the gap, offering direct feedback from your target audience. This enables you to dive into their user journeys, understand their pain points and preferences, and gain a clear picture of their overall customer experience.

  • They unlock unfiltered opinions: Closed-ended survey questions provide quantitative data, but the real magic lies in open-ended questions. These prompts unlock doors to user emotions, frustrations, and suggestions. User surveys go beyond surface-level responses and discover actionable insights that fuel genuine product improvement.

  • Reaching your ideal users: Targeting the right people is crucial. Surveys allow you to tailor questions to specific segments of your target market, whether it's loyal customers or potential ones. You gain precise feedback relevant to their needs and behaviors, informing data-driven decisions that truly resonate.

  • They go beyond the obvious: Customer surveys go beyond the visible. They can uncover hidden issues or unexpected delights that users might not readily express. This depth of feedback allows you to identify roadblocks early on in the user journey, leading to more comprehensive product updates.

  • Quantifying user sentiment: Numbers speak volumes! Surveys help measure user satisfaction, identify trends, and track the impact of changes on customer experiences. This quantitative data empowers you to make informed decisions based on real-world feedback, ensuring your product evolves alongside your evolving market.

Best Practices for Effective User Surveys

User surveys are a powerful tool to collect qualitative and quantitative insights into customers, but when used correctly.

Consider this—according to a recent survey by Appcues, 42.37% of respondents struggle to gain access to actionable data:


Source: Appcues

Here are useful tips to help you create a successful survey and boost your response rate.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Target Audience

Before crafting surveys, clearly define objectives and target audience. 

Establishing the purpose ensures meaningful data collection while pinpointing the audience directs the survey toward relevant insights tailored to the specific needs of the target demographic.

2. Craft Well-Defined, Concise Questions

Utilize well-crafted, concise, and easily understood survey questions. Clarity in question formulation is essential for gathering reliable answers and actionable insights. 

Ensure that question types, whether open-ended or closed-ended, align with the survey's goals and effectively capture the desired information.

3. Avoid Leading or Biased Questions

Maintain survey integrity by avoiding leading or biased questions. Crafting neutral queries prevents unintentional influence on survey responses, ensuring the authenticity of the collected data. 

This approach enhances the reliability of insights for informed decision-making and product improvement.

4. Consider Optimal Survey Length

Carefully consider the survey length to prevent respondent fatigue. 

Balancing the series of questions ensures an optimal survey experience, promoting higher completion rates and more accurate data collection. Short, focused surveys are more likely to elicit thoughtful and thorough responses.

5. Segment Audience for Personalized Surveys

Improve engagement by segmenting the audience and sending personalized, targeted surveys. Tailoring questions to specific demographics or user characteristics enhances the relevance of the survey, garnering more insightful responses. 

This approach not only minimizes survey fatigue but also provides a more nuanced understanding of diverse user perspectives.

6. Keep Surveys Simple and Focused

Simplicity is key in survey design. Keep surveys simple and focused on the core objectives. Avoid overwhelming participants with unnecessary complexity, ensuring that each question contributes directly to the survey's purpose. 

A streamlined approach fosters better user engagement and more meaningful responses.

7. Gather Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Ensure a comprehensive view by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. Combining numerical metrics with qualitative responses enriches the analysis, offering a more holistic understanding of user experiences. 

This approach provides actionable insights for refining product features and making informed decisions.

8. Utilize Different Distribution Channels

Diversify survey distribution channels to reach a broader audience. Employing various platforms, such as email, social media, or embedded website forms, maximizes participation. 

Tailor the distribution strategy to your target audience's preferences, ensuring a wider reach and diverse survey responses.

9. Close the Feedback Loop with Follow-up

Foster a sense of closure by actively closing the feedback loop. After analyzing survey responses, communicate the outcomes to participants and demonstrate how their feedback influenced decisions or product improvements. 

This follow-up not only engages participants but also establishes a transparent and responsive relationship between the business and its audience.

10. Use a Robust Survey Tool

To optimize the effectiveness of user surveys, it is crucial to utilize an excellent survey tool that ensures reliable answers and caters to the diverse needs of survey participants, including those involved in in-app surveys

Choosing a powerful survey tool like 1Flow is foundational to obtaining meaningful insights and enhancing the overall survey experience.

The tool should offer a user-friendly interface, robust features, and customization options. This not only streamlines the survey creation process but also encourages active participation from respondents. 

The tool's reliability in generating accurate and consistent answers is paramount for drawing meaningful conclusions from the gathered data.

When considering app surveys, the chosen survey tool must demonstrate adaptability and efficiency in this specific context. 

It should enable seamless integration with mobile applications, providing an engaging and user-friendly experience for participants accessing surveys through apps. 

This adaptability ensures that the survey tool is aligned with the evolving technological landscape and meets the expectations of participants who prefer mobile interactions.

How do User Surveys Help Businesses?

Businesses and companies leverage user surveys for various reasons but here are the key use cases:

1. Uncover Friction Points in the User Journey

User surveys serve as invaluable tools for companies to identify and address friction points in the user journey. 

By strategically deploying surveys at various stages of product development, businesses can obtain detailed feedback on user experiences, uncovering both quantitative insights and qualitative answers. 

This enables companies to pinpoint areas of improvement, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying product experience for their target audience.

2. Improve the Quality of Products and Services

Leveraging customer feedback through surveys is a proactive approach to enhancing the quality of products and services. 

These surveys, whether in the form of app surveys or broader product satisfaction surveys, provide actionable user feedback that guides informed decisions. 

By analyzing responses, companies gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences, facilitating targeted product improvement strategies that align with the evolving needs of their target audience.

3. Collect Data and Profile Your Ideal Customer

User surveys are instrumental in collecting data that aid in profiling the ideal customer. Through a strategic choice of questions, businesses can gather information about customer segments, preferences, and behaviors. 

This data contributes to building a comprehensive profile of the target audience, enabling companies to tailor their products, marketing strategies, and overall approach to align with the characteristics and expectations of their satisfied customers.

4. Decrease User Churn

To combat user churn, companies utilize surveys to understand the reasons behind customer attrition. 

Customer satisfaction surveys and exit surveys, when strategically deployed, provide actionable customer insights into areas that need improvement. 

Armed with this knowledge, businesses can implement targeted strategies to reduce user churn, fostering long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

5. Understand Your Audience Better

User surveys are a fundamental tool for companies seeking to understand their audience on a deeper level. 

By posing questions that delve into user demographics, preferences, and behaviors, businesses gain actionable insights that inform product development and marketing strategies. 

This understanding ensures that products and services resonate with the target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more informed business decisions.

6. Improve the Customer Experience

Companies utilize user surveys to actively enhance the overall customer experience. Gathering both quantitative and qualitative data through surveys allows businesses to identify specific aspects of the customer journey that require improvement. 

Whether through streamlining user onboarding processes or refining product features based on feedback, these surveys contribute to a more positive and tailored customer experience.

7. Streamline User Onboarding

According to a Precursive report, poor user onboarding is among the leading factors of customer churn.

User surveys play a vital role in streamlining user onboarding processes. 

By deploying surveys at the initial stages of user interaction, businesses can gather insights into user preferences and pain points. 

This information enables companies to optimize onboarding procedures, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience that enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.

8. Segment Users for Personalized Experiences

Through strategic segmentation of users using surveys, companies can deliver personalized experiences. 

By tailoring survey questions to capture specific customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can categorize users into relevant segments. 

This segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts, personalized product recommendations, and an overall more customized interaction, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Important Questions to Ask in a User Survey

Free Question Question Mark photo and picture

Source: Pixabay

When conducting user surveys, the questions you ask can make or break the entire process.

Who you ask and how you ask are as important as the questions you ask. So here are 5 effective questions to ask if you want to get reliable answers to your surveys:

1. How would you rate your overall experience with our product on a scale from 1 to 10? We value your opinion, so feel free to elaborate with open-ended insights. Your feedback helps us gauge satisfaction and improve user experience.

By employing a scale question, you aim for a quantitative measure of user satisfaction. The open-ended follow-up encourages users to share qualitative insights, providing a more nuanced understanding of their sentiments. 

This approach not only helps assess satisfaction levels but also gathers valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

2. Could you share specific features you find most valuable?

This open-ended question allows for qualitative answers, providing a deeper understanding of what resonates with active users. 

Complementing this with choice questions ensures a wide range of responses, aiding survey design and avoiding leading questions that might skew results.

3. On a scale of 1 to 7, how would you rate the ease of navigating our platform?

Utilizing closed-ended questions with a scale provides a cost-effective way to gauge user sentiments on a specific aspect—navigation in this case. 

Including open-ended questions alongside scales addresses potentially unbalanced scales, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the user experience.

4. What types of improvements would you like to see in our next update?

This open-ended question encourages users to express their opinions on areas that need enhancement, fostering engagement. 

Balancing open-ended and closed-ended questions is essential for maintaining a high completion rate, capturing reliable answers, and avoiding potential pitfalls associated with poorly designed questions.

5. Have you ever participated in our user interviews or provided customer feedback via email surveys?

Understanding the level of user engagement with user interviews and email surveys helps assess the representativeness of the collected data. 

Acknowledging the contributions of real users reinforces the value of their opinions in shaping the product's direction, fostering a sense of involvement and importance.

Leverage a Powerful User Survey Tool to Streamline Feedback Collection

Creating user surveys manually can be a hectic and time-consuming process. Using specialized survey software can be a game-changer.

This is where 1Flow becomes helpful.

With 1Flow, you can create customized user surveys in seconds. The tool offers customizable survey templates so you don’t have to create surveys from scratch.


What’s more, it allows you to automatically survey users while they interact with your app or browse your website.

Use this software to collect actionable user feedback to understand what users want, how they feel when using your product, and why they churn.


When done well, user surveys can help you uncover useful insights into your customers' concerns, needs, and expectations with your product or services. 

By analyzing the data collected, you can uncover areas of improvement, make data-driven decisions, and improve your user or customer satisfaction.

Leverage user surveys to understand your customers deeply and delight them!

A happy and satisfied customer tells a friend while an unhappy customer tells the world.

Don’t take our word for it. According to a Deloitte study, a satisfied customer mentions the experience with a company to 9 people and up to an average of 16 people after a bad experience.

And in today’s social media world where negativity spreads faster than a bonfire, you need to constantly collect consumer insights regarding product experience to ensure users are getting nothing but great experience.

Furthermore, today’s customers expect nothing but better experiences:

Source: Salesforce

How do you gauge customer satisfaction with your product? Through conducting regular user surveys.

Not sure where to begin?

That’s why we created this guide.
In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into user surveys, exploring why they are a valuable tool for user research.

We’ll also discuss the best practices for creating successful user surveys and share important questions to ask in a user survey.

Let’s get started. 

What are User Surveys?

Free photo customer satisfaction online survey form

Source: Freepik

User surveys are a powerful user research tool, designed to gather qualitative insights that delve into customer experiences with a product or service. 

These surveys go beyond mere quantitative data, offering a deeper understanding of user interactions and perceptions. 

By asking carefully crafted questions, SaaS businesses can extract valuable insights that extend beyond direct feedback, uncovering the intricacies of user sentiment and preferences.

The types of questions asked in user research surveys play a crucial role in extracting actionable customer insights. Ranging from open-ended questions to structured multiple-choice options, these surveys aim to capture the essence of user experiences, allowing businesses to discern patterns and trends. 

The diverse nature of questions ensures a comprehensive exploration of product experience, helping companies refine their offerings based on the detailed feedback received.

Essentially, user surveys act as a direct line of communication between businesses and their customer base, providing a platform for customers to articulate their thoughts, preferences, and concerns. 

Through these surveys, organizations can systematically collect, analyze, and interpret the gathered data to make informed decisions that enhance their products or services.

In essence, user surveys empower businesses with the means to continuously optimize and tailor their offerings in alignment with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of their user base.

Why Are Surveys So Valuable in User Research?

Believing that internal feedback is sufficient for product improvement is an unwise gamble.

The fallout is that it lacks external perspectives and real-world user experiences.

Here are key reasons why surveys are a powerful tool in user research:

  • Direct access to customer experiences: Forget guesswork! Surveys bridge the gap, offering direct feedback from your target audience. This enables you to dive into their user journeys, understand their pain points and preferences, and gain a clear picture of their overall customer experience.

  • They unlock unfiltered opinions: Closed-ended survey questions provide quantitative data, but the real magic lies in open-ended questions. These prompts unlock doors to user emotions, frustrations, and suggestions. User surveys go beyond surface-level responses and discover actionable insights that fuel genuine product improvement.

  • Reaching your ideal users: Targeting the right people is crucial. Surveys allow you to tailor questions to specific segments of your target market, whether it's loyal customers or potential ones. You gain precise feedback relevant to their needs and behaviors, informing data-driven decisions that truly resonate.

  • They go beyond the obvious: Customer surveys go beyond the visible. They can uncover hidden issues or unexpected delights that users might not readily express. This depth of feedback allows you to identify roadblocks early on in the user journey, leading to more comprehensive product updates.

  • Quantifying user sentiment: Numbers speak volumes! Surveys help measure user satisfaction, identify trends, and track the impact of changes on customer experiences. This quantitative data empowers you to make informed decisions based on real-world feedback, ensuring your product evolves alongside your evolving market.

Best Practices for Effective User Surveys

User surveys are a powerful tool to collect qualitative and quantitative insights into customers, but when used correctly.

Consider this—according to a recent survey by Appcues, 42.37% of respondents struggle to gain access to actionable data:


Source: Appcues

Here are useful tips to help you create a successful survey and boost your response rate.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Target Audience

Before crafting surveys, clearly define objectives and target audience. 

Establishing the purpose ensures meaningful data collection while pinpointing the audience directs the survey toward relevant insights tailored to the specific needs of the target demographic.

2. Craft Well-Defined, Concise Questions

Utilize well-crafted, concise, and easily understood survey questions. Clarity in question formulation is essential for gathering reliable answers and actionable insights. 

Ensure that question types, whether open-ended or closed-ended, align with the survey's goals and effectively capture the desired information.

3. Avoid Leading or Biased Questions

Maintain survey integrity by avoiding leading or biased questions. Crafting neutral queries prevents unintentional influence on survey responses, ensuring the authenticity of the collected data. 

This approach enhances the reliability of insights for informed decision-making and product improvement.

4. Consider Optimal Survey Length

Carefully consider the survey length to prevent respondent fatigue. 

Balancing the series of questions ensures an optimal survey experience, promoting higher completion rates and more accurate data collection. Short, focused surveys are more likely to elicit thoughtful and thorough responses.

5. Segment Audience for Personalized Surveys

Improve engagement by segmenting the audience and sending personalized, targeted surveys. Tailoring questions to specific demographics or user characteristics enhances the relevance of the survey, garnering more insightful responses. 

This approach not only minimizes survey fatigue but also provides a more nuanced understanding of diverse user perspectives.

6. Keep Surveys Simple and Focused

Simplicity is key in survey design. Keep surveys simple and focused on the core objectives. Avoid overwhelming participants with unnecessary complexity, ensuring that each question contributes directly to the survey's purpose. 

A streamlined approach fosters better user engagement and more meaningful responses.

7. Gather Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Ensure a comprehensive view by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. Combining numerical metrics with qualitative responses enriches the analysis, offering a more holistic understanding of user experiences. 

This approach provides actionable insights for refining product features and making informed decisions.

8. Utilize Different Distribution Channels

Diversify survey distribution channels to reach a broader audience. Employing various platforms, such as email, social media, or embedded website forms, maximizes participation. 

Tailor the distribution strategy to your target audience's preferences, ensuring a wider reach and diverse survey responses.

9. Close the Feedback Loop with Follow-up

Foster a sense of closure by actively closing the feedback loop. After analyzing survey responses, communicate the outcomes to participants and demonstrate how their feedback influenced decisions or product improvements. 

This follow-up not only engages participants but also establishes a transparent and responsive relationship between the business and its audience.

10. Use a Robust Survey Tool

To optimize the effectiveness of user surveys, it is crucial to utilize an excellent survey tool that ensures reliable answers and caters to the diverse needs of survey participants, including those involved in in-app surveys

Choosing a powerful survey tool like 1Flow is foundational to obtaining meaningful insights and enhancing the overall survey experience.

The tool should offer a user-friendly interface, robust features, and customization options. This not only streamlines the survey creation process but also encourages active participation from respondents. 

The tool's reliability in generating accurate and consistent answers is paramount for drawing meaningful conclusions from the gathered data.

When considering app surveys, the chosen survey tool must demonstrate adaptability and efficiency in this specific context. 

It should enable seamless integration with mobile applications, providing an engaging and user-friendly experience for participants accessing surveys through apps. 

This adaptability ensures that the survey tool is aligned with the evolving technological landscape and meets the expectations of participants who prefer mobile interactions.

How do User Surveys Help Businesses?

Businesses and companies leverage user surveys for various reasons but here are the key use cases:

1. Uncover Friction Points in the User Journey

User surveys serve as invaluable tools for companies to identify and address friction points in the user journey. 

By strategically deploying surveys at various stages of product development, businesses can obtain detailed feedback on user experiences, uncovering both quantitative insights and qualitative answers. 

This enables companies to pinpoint areas of improvement, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying product experience for their target audience.

2. Improve the Quality of Products and Services

Leveraging customer feedback through surveys is a proactive approach to enhancing the quality of products and services. 

These surveys, whether in the form of app surveys or broader product satisfaction surveys, provide actionable user feedback that guides informed decisions. 

By analyzing responses, companies gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences, facilitating targeted product improvement strategies that align with the evolving needs of their target audience.

3. Collect Data and Profile Your Ideal Customer

User surveys are instrumental in collecting data that aid in profiling the ideal customer. Through a strategic choice of questions, businesses can gather information about customer segments, preferences, and behaviors. 

This data contributes to building a comprehensive profile of the target audience, enabling companies to tailor their products, marketing strategies, and overall approach to align with the characteristics and expectations of their satisfied customers.

4. Decrease User Churn

To combat user churn, companies utilize surveys to understand the reasons behind customer attrition. 

Customer satisfaction surveys and exit surveys, when strategically deployed, provide actionable customer insights into areas that need improvement. 

Armed with this knowledge, businesses can implement targeted strategies to reduce user churn, fostering long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

5. Understand Your Audience Better

User surveys are a fundamental tool for companies seeking to understand their audience on a deeper level. 

By posing questions that delve into user demographics, preferences, and behaviors, businesses gain actionable insights that inform product development and marketing strategies. 

This understanding ensures that products and services resonate with the target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more informed business decisions.

6. Improve the Customer Experience

Companies utilize user surveys to actively enhance the overall customer experience. Gathering both quantitative and qualitative data through surveys allows businesses to identify specific aspects of the customer journey that require improvement. 

Whether through streamlining user onboarding processes or refining product features based on feedback, these surveys contribute to a more positive and tailored customer experience.

7. Streamline User Onboarding

According to a Precursive report, poor user onboarding is among the leading factors of customer churn.

User surveys play a vital role in streamlining user onboarding processes. 

By deploying surveys at the initial stages of user interaction, businesses can gather insights into user preferences and pain points. 

This information enables companies to optimize onboarding procedures, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience that enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.

8. Segment Users for Personalized Experiences

Through strategic segmentation of users using surveys, companies can deliver personalized experiences. 

By tailoring survey questions to capture specific customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can categorize users into relevant segments. 

This segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts, personalized product recommendations, and an overall more customized interaction, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Important Questions to Ask in a User Survey

Free Question Question Mark photo and picture

Source: Pixabay

When conducting user surveys, the questions you ask can make or break the entire process.

Who you ask and how you ask are as important as the questions you ask. So here are 5 effective questions to ask if you want to get reliable answers to your surveys:

1. How would you rate your overall experience with our product on a scale from 1 to 10? We value your opinion, so feel free to elaborate with open-ended insights. Your feedback helps us gauge satisfaction and improve user experience.

By employing a scale question, you aim for a quantitative measure of user satisfaction. The open-ended follow-up encourages users to share qualitative insights, providing a more nuanced understanding of their sentiments. 

This approach not only helps assess satisfaction levels but also gathers valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

2. Could you share specific features you find most valuable?

This open-ended question allows for qualitative answers, providing a deeper understanding of what resonates with active users. 

Complementing this with choice questions ensures a wide range of responses, aiding survey design and avoiding leading questions that might skew results.

3. On a scale of 1 to 7, how would you rate the ease of navigating our platform?

Utilizing closed-ended questions with a scale provides a cost-effective way to gauge user sentiments on a specific aspect—navigation in this case. 

Including open-ended questions alongside scales addresses potentially unbalanced scales, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the user experience.

4. What types of improvements would you like to see in our next update?

This open-ended question encourages users to express their opinions on areas that need enhancement, fostering engagement. 

Balancing open-ended and closed-ended questions is essential for maintaining a high completion rate, capturing reliable answers, and avoiding potential pitfalls associated with poorly designed questions.

5. Have you ever participated in our user interviews or provided customer feedback via email surveys?

Understanding the level of user engagement with user interviews and email surveys helps assess the representativeness of the collected data. 

Acknowledging the contributions of real users reinforces the value of their opinions in shaping the product's direction, fostering a sense of involvement and importance.

Leverage a Powerful User Survey Tool to Streamline Feedback Collection

Creating user surveys manually can be a hectic and time-consuming process. Using specialized survey software can be a game-changer.

This is where 1Flow becomes helpful.

With 1Flow, you can create customized user surveys in seconds. The tool offers customizable survey templates so you don’t have to create surveys from scratch.


What’s more, it allows you to automatically survey users while they interact with your app or browse your website.

Use this software to collect actionable user feedback to understand what users want, how they feel when using your product, and why they churn.


When done well, user surveys can help you uncover useful insights into your customers' concerns, needs, and expectations with your product or services. 

By analyzing the data collected, you can uncover areas of improvement, make data-driven decisions, and improve your user or customer satisfaction.

Leverage user surveys to understand your customers deeply and delight them!

Improve your product with better customer insights

Analytics tools tell you what a user does, but not why they are doing it. Our customizable in-product microsurveys give you all the answers you need to make great product decisions.

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